I came up with this idea of doing a type of informational diary. Where I can share my thoughts and feelings about my business 'The Spiritual Cabin' and what's going on with me. My journey I suppose on how I've got to this moment in time, and how I can look back and read what's recorded here to see what's changed and how far I have come with my dreams in life, especially with my business.

Saturday 6th January 2024
It's January 2024 and I've come up with this idea of this diary/ blog extension. Where I'm going to discuss my business 'The Spiritual Cabin' and how I'm feeling about it's progress which at the moment it's not happening, it's not making money and I need to somehow get my blog and Etsy Shop off the ground, to get them noticed more by the public, my followers and customers. My social posts on Instagram and Facebook get likes sometimes, but my blog posts are only getting read by my friends and fella, which is good, but I need to get more of a community behind me to enjoy my blog posts and make a profit on my printables at least.
At the moment I couldn't leave my part-time job as a postlady with Royal Mail just working from home like I want to do. So finally I have come up with the plan of working 2 - 3 days a week for a job agency leaving the rest of the week working from home on my business, it also takes the pressure off me to make a living on my business solely and make money from an agency job on pay an hour more probably than what I'm getting from Royal Mail roughly £14 an hour, with an agency it should be at least £16 - 18 an hour, so all good. My first thoughts were is it a good idea to leave a permanent paid job to go and work for a temporary job with an agency? But then I thought if I was made redundant tomorrow I would have no choice to find work, so there you go it puts my mind at ease as I'm sure I can get settled in a temp job to finally get taken on permanently, but hopefully by then I'm making a profit with my business so it won't come to that, but if I do want to I'm sure that option will be there in the future.

My plan to get more customers, audience and more of a community behind me is:
💙to get an email list
💙to start a free podia community group
💙Instagram and posts/stories
💙Keep writing my blog posts with info to interest my community/followers
💙Keep writing on this diary to interest my community/followers about my story and journey to get there