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What's Been Happening In My Life! - The Essential Guide - Part 2

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

  • Losing my round after having one for 2 years it seemed longer!! Due to working 4 days a week, 30 hours a week!!

  • Meeting my boyfriend through my part-time job

🏵️ More to come in my final part 3 on what's happening with my plan for 'The Spiritual Cabin' 😃👍

So part 2 is here, about 'What's Been Happening In My Life! - The Essential Guide'.

After getting 2022 out of the way, Christmas was gone for another year, and as we, Posties out there know our job was still hectic, two to three, maybe even four day's worth of mail to get through on one day's pay.

There were rumours going around that we were having a resign at our Letchworth office in Hertfordshire

a resign to those non-posties out there means we pick a round to deliver, in order of our seniority

it didn't happen until June this year but I was horrified to find out that as they were getting rid of six rounds mine was one of them. But first I was told I was off my round due to my working hours, 30 hours on a 4-day week, it caused too much hassle to cover my days off apparently even though when I took the round 2 years ago it wasn't a problem, so you can imagine I was fuming as being a postie of 18 years I didn't think it was fair to be a reserve again.

a reserve is a postie who covers rounds due to holiday and sick cover

Luckily though due to my seniority of 18 years and a colleague on the same hours as me on the opposite shift, there was an end to my worries, plus the universe must have been listening and came up with a better working plan for me.... after a month or so of being a reserve, me and my colleague Danny have a trolley duty that we share between us 125,

to the non-posties out there, every round we deliver on has a number and mine and Danny's is 125

As I said previously, the universe works in mysterious ways and had a plan to solve my problem of being treated like a reserve. When I'm in for the four days that I work on 125, Danny comes in for the last two and covers where needed in the sorting office, then when I'm on my days off he covers 125 and I come back to work on his last two days before he has his time off etc. and I cover where needed in the sorting office.

I find this round is more enjoyable to deliver on, it still has its busy days like all rounds, but it isn't so stressful as my last duty was (this is where the Universe stepped in and saved the day)

The next chapter of this post is about how I met a man through my postie job, working with him in a van share, becoming good mates with him, to him becoming my boyfriend (or as I like to say my fella) 😍

I've never really had much luck with men growing up, when they are just friends I have good friendships and a laugh with them, but when I got closer to them the relationships would always go wrong and they would pull away.

"If you've heard of John Gray 'Men Are From Mars & Women Are From Venus' books, he always said men have to pull away in order to get closer to you, which seems to be true, well done John you always gave me comfort in troubled times"

But with past relationships, this did happen but they still faded away, I now know why, obviously they weren't the right ones, you think they are at the time, but that Universe already knew they weren't right for you but has to let you go through all that pain, the highs and lows to work it out for yourself, I think they call it life, and learning by your mistakes it makes you stronger and the person you are now.

But this one did still pull away, he really didn't want a relationship and we started off as 'just good mates' but my Scorpio charms must have slowly won him over, I like to think, and this time he chased me, that was a mistake I kept making, I used to keep chasing them as I got impatient waiting for them, but obviously that was something I had to learn in life, now I realise that that lesson from the universe had been learnt, so I finally met a man who chased me and our relationship finally blossomed, he had been hurt so many times before but maybe he had to go through all that, like me, to finally meet me, we seem to help each other with learning things in life, I assume that's what life is, learning by your mistakes, learning from other people, the right people, becoming a more robust, better, happier person and trying to find and live the life that makes you the happiest possible. I also think if me and Marc hadn't worked together in a van share job, we wouldn't have got as close and got to know each other as much as we do now. We have our ups and downs but who doesn't in a relationship, we are happy, love each other, have a laugh, and are best mates so what more could you ever want?

"I'd love to know your views on relationships or being a postie for Royal Mail, please leave your comments ❤️"

Thanks for reading this, as always it means a lot that you do.

You're welcome to leave me your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. I look forward to reading them x

On my website (The Spiritual Cabin), you can message me on my green chat message bubble, my contacts page, Facebook messenger on (The Spiritual Cabin FB page) or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.

Until next time....

Look after yourself 😃

for now Sally ❤️

🧚‍♀️ Before you go....

My next blog post 'What Do You Think About The Law Of Attraction?'

Do you know what the Law of Attraction is? Do you believe? and how does it work for you? It's amazing how it works so look out for that!!

Plus after that.... 'What's Been Happening In My Life - The Essential Guide - Part 3' (The final post in this series!) will be after that, it's more about my plans with 'The Spiritual Cabin' x


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