Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

Meditation is like talking on a telephone, it’s a direct dial to the universe or your angels x It definitely helps your Intuition.
What is Intuition, how do you trust it?
Do you realise when you’re using it?
How do you connect with your Intuition? Communicate with your Soul?
If you think you can’t connect to your Intuition, what’s blocking it?
So how can you strengthen your intuition?

💚 What is Intuition, how do you trust it?
Intuition is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. It’s like riding a bike with practice it improves and you get better at it or using it.
Intuition is a feeling you have a knowing, a guidance system you have….

Meditating or journalling can help or even doing Tarot card readings. Using intuition on yourself is best it’s trust and faith you have to work on. Your intuition is never wrong it’s your confidence or disbelieving that holds you back.
Try manifesting a parking space if you believe enough there will be one for you x
· 💚 Do you realise when you’re using it?
Talking of parking spaces, you can practice with your intuition, when you go out shopping or anytime when you need a parking space. Ask your angels for a parking space and hold that confidence and knowing that there will be one for you. It’s happened to me many of times, even if I’ve had to wait a couple of minutes driving round, but normally there’s been one waiting for me or a car has just driven out so I had a space.
Another way of realising it is you and not your imagination is when you get information pop into your head when it seems out of your knowledge base, “I can’t possibly have known that?” or “Where did that come from?” making you realise that information must have come from my angels, the universe or my spiritual team. You have to be careful that your own dreams and judgements don’t get in the way, taking a deep breath and clearing your mind to stop your own mind chatter (ego) could help your intuition to come through.
You can also tell through your Soul (feelings) does it feel good or does it feel bad. The good is coming from your Soul and the bad is coming from your ego with fear or worry based thoughts. Just listen to your feelings without your thoughts popping in your head and just allow what comes through to you, your pure thoughts (intuition).
💚 How do you connect with your Intuition? Communicate with your Soul?
By clearing your mind, taking a deep breath you can tap into your intuition and it will guide you with your right answer. You will know if you get a fearful or worrying feeling deep within you trying to talk you out of a situation that you know deep down is good for you, that’s your ego trying to scare you or keep you in your comfort zone. But if you feel excitement and a clear answer that will be your intuition, or your Soul trying to guide you. Plus if you’ve made a mistake with something in your life, your intuition would let you know if something wasn’t right it wouldn’t leave you alone until you sorted it out and help go onto your right path, and eventually to your happiness and freedom x
Plus if you’re in a situation that for example warns you not to go somewhere and you do anyway, you could end up regretting it so always listen to those warning signs that you feel in the pit of your stomach as that’s your intuition trying to warn you of maybe danger or something that you might regret if you don’t listen to these feelings.
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Click on these photos to see YouTube or Instagram reels/videos by Caroline Myss, Jon Prince and Marie Forleo's views on Intuition.

I love these videos – you will want to watch them twice, I do xx
Plus they help you to understand how intuition works inside of you and how it makes you feel xx
1 - Caroline Myss - ‘What Intuition is and how you will know it’
2 - The Perception Coach / Jon Prince - 'Stop waiting until your ready, this is your sign!'
3 - Marie Forleo - 'The Importance of Intuition and inner guidance'
💚 If you think you can’t connect to your Intuition, what’s blocking it?
It takes practice to figure out what your intuition means or is trying to tell you to follow that guidance. It doesn’t tell you in words it tells with feelings which your mind then interpretates into words for you to understand. For example, if you keep getting a thought to leave your job over and over again, day in day out and it just won’t go away this is your intuition trying to get your attention and take action.

I’ve had this with my current job in Royal Mail, which I’ve worked for 20 years, the feeling went away sometimes, good things would happen, but they were short lived and these feelings would always come back, this has gone on for over 10 years, I’m finally listening to it now (more on that in another blog post)

💚 Download 'What Is Intuition - Do You Know How It Can Help You?'
3 -Page PDF
Absolutely Free!!
Click the link below to read all about how your Intuition can help guide you through life to make the right choices x
💚 So what can block your intuition?
Doubt or not believing in what you’re feeling. Fear can get in the way “I’m not good enough”, “How can I do that” when your thoughts of intuition are right but you’re still just not sure! Ignoring your intuition can also block it when deep down you know you should be listening to it.

Sometimes that could have consequences as Elizabeth Harper explains in this audio - See link below:-

I’d love to hear your views or thoughts on this:-
💛 Do you listen to your intuition?
💛 And have you been caught out and had to face the consequences?
💛 Or do you feel your intuition is blocked due to reasons?
Share your thoughts in the comments below or on my Instagram channel x
💚 So how can you strengthen your intuition?
You can connect to your guardian angel to help strengthen your intuition. We all have at least one guardian angel, some have more (remember another of my blog posts discussed this x) We are all intuitive we have to just learn to use it and believe in it. We can ask for our guardian angels help by asking them and gradually we will learn to hear or feel their answers and trust what we know and feel.

Another way to strengthen your intuition is meditation. By learning to relax and focusing your mind in a quiet, calm environment you can sit and learn to switch off from the hustle and bustle, you let go of your everyday life and have a think about things be letting your mind wander or asking your angels a question, don’t react just let your thoughts flow naturally and that will be your answer. It might not come straight away, sometimes it does, but sometimes it might take a day or two, but it will come to you, you just have to believe in yourself x

When you learn to meditate or tune out and just focus on the here and now you realise and start to learn to ground yourself (keep calm), it helps to keep you more relaxed. If you don’t meditate or take time out for yourself and just be somewhere quiet on your own, you can start to feel jittery, nervous and uncomfortable.

I love these words from Elizabeth Harper explaining what intuition is and how it’s all connected with your guardian angel and you - see link below:-

Plus I'm in her 'Intuitive Soul Circle' Membership and Facebook Group x
Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do.
I'd love to hear your views and comments on this topic, on my social media channel Instagram x
On my website, you can message me on my green chat message bubble, or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.
Until next time....

For now
Sally 💖
🧚♀️ Before you go....
My next blog post is carrying on my new series "The Tarot Series" it talks all about each Tarot card in detail plus there will be a 'Tarot Card Guidance Sheet' for each card on sale in my Payhip shop 'Sal's Spiritual Creations'.
Plus you get the whole 17 page ‘Tarot Card Deck Information sheet - Major & Minor Arcana Guide’ absolutely free!! (If you didn't get or missed it on the first 'The Fool' tarot blog post)
The second Tarot card will be from the 'Major Arcana' "The Magician" so look out for all this 👊
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