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What Do You Think About The Law Of Attraction?

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

  • Do you know what ‘The Law Of Attraction’ is?

  • Do you believe in ‘The Law of Attraction’?

  • How does it work for you?

Now if you have spiritual interests, you will know what ‘The Law Of Attraction’ is. What we think about we attract into our lives, the positive and the negative. Now sometimes we don’t know we’re doing it we naturally think most of the time....

“Oh no, I’m not looking forward to tomorrow....”

“I can’t do...... I’m useless.....”

“That will never happen so what’s the point in trying.....”

We’ve all thought something along these lines, but by correcting it to something like....

“Tomorrow will turn out ok, everything will be ok”

“I can do this, I’ll give it my best shot”

“It will happen as I’m going to make it happen”

It can put you in a more positive mindset and what you want is more likely to happen, as your negative thoughts could block you from what you really want and what you don’t want to happen ends up happening!!

So instead of worrying try and think ‘on the bright side’, we’re never going to stop our negative thoughts completely we’re only human after all as our egos are there to protect us from making stupid mistakes and seriously regretting it, but the ego can also have you stuck in fear and stop you from progressing in life and following your dreams.

🧲 So do you believe in ‘The Law Of Attraction’?

A lot of people probably don’t know what it is, even if they have heard of it!

It’s there and happening even if you believe it or not. You can have a bad day as we can’t stop bad things from happening unfortunately sometimes, but how we react to them can make our day go a little better than just giving up and hiding away and trying our best and carrying on as best as we can, could make the outcome be more hopeful and work out.

🧚‍♀️ I would like to point out though if you have just lost someone who you love very much, you cannot just carry on you need to grieve and rest at home to do so, otherwise that could make you ill if you don't give yourself a chance to do so, then you can find a way to carry on after ❤️

I believe in ‘The Law of Attraction’ as I have noticed that, you can control the outcome of a situation by how you react to it.

At work, I had an argument with someone ages ago in my Royal Mail job, and I noticed the vibes I must have been giving off were pushing people away from me as they were keeping out of my way, but as soon as it had been sorted out people were drawn back to my friendly self again. If I had kept calmer and not shouted at this man that had said something really upsetting at the time it wouldn’t have escalated to a big argument but luckily, we were both big enough and grown up enough to sort it out the next day. I usually keep a calm head but that particular day the situation got out of control.

Another example is if you’re dreading your driving test the next day as you are sure you’re not going to pass as nerves get the better of you. But if you turn it around and say to yourself....

"never mind, I’ll just try my best, if I don’t pass it doesn’t matter I’ll just try again, and I’ll get there in the end"

Will keep you calmer and you might find you surprise yourself and pass the first time because you kept calm x

🧲 How does ‘The Law of Attraction’ work for you?

Now if there’s something you really want badly in your life and it’s not happening for you yet, it’s either just not the right time, it’s not the right thing for you and there’s something better, or you’ve just got to be patient, or you’re blocking the situation from happening because of your limiting beliefs.

Asking out loud or writing them down in your journal for example, written like it’s already happening or happened can help the universe make it happen for you. But don’t try and force it to happen, as it will just push the situation away from you. Be patient, let it go, and be quietly confident that it will happen for you or something better as the universe is always working on what’s best for you in ways you would have never thought possible.

So stay positive, be patient and let it go xx

"But don’t try and force it to happen, as it will just push the situation away from you. Be patient and let it go" x

" quietly confident that it will happen for you or something better as the universe is always working on what’s best for you in ways you would have never thought possible"

So what are your views, thoughts and feelings on ‘The Law of Attraction’?

I’d love to know, and your stories in life how things have happened for you, I bet sometimes you were amazed how your situation worked out better for you in the end x

"The way you feel is your point of Attraction. And so the value of segment intending is that you paused many times during your day to say: This is what I want and expect from this segment of my life experience. And as you set forth those powerful thoughts, you will attract into your experience what you want"

A quote taken from a card from 'The Law Of Attraction Cards' By Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings Of Abraham)

Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do x

You're welcome to leave me your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. I look forward to reading them x

On my website (The Spiritual Cabin), you can message me on my green chat message bubble, my contacts page, Facebook messenger on (The Spiritual Cabin FB page) or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.

Until next time....

Look after yourself 😃

for now Sally ❤️

🧚‍♀️ Before you go....

My next blog post 'What's Been Happening In My Life - The Essential Guide - Part 3' (The Final Post!) is more about my plans with 'The Spiritual Cabin' x I'll let you know more in detail if you stay tuned for that!!


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