Hi everyone hope you're all having a good week?
& a good day today?
Today I'm doing to do a three 3 card spread, one with my 'Chakra Reading Cards' by Rachelle Charman. Second with my 'Energy Oracle Cards' by Sandra Anne Taylor.
Third with my 'Crystal Reading Cards' by Rachelle Charman.
I will probably do card readings once or twice a week now & maybe pull one card for inspiration or guidance now & again.
So pick a card either 1, 2, or 3 for your chosen deck, or do the reading for as many decks as you like & click the appropriate link below to see the written or audio message for your chosen card 💙
If you choose the ' Chakra Reading Cards' 👇

If you picked No. 1, 16 - Solar Plexus Chakra - Determination
Affirmation : 'I am an unstoppable being of love and determination' ❤️

If you picked No. 2, 4 - Earth Star Chakra - Grounding
Affirmation : 'My energy is completely grounded into the healing energy of the earth' ❤️

If you picked No. 3, 25 - Third Eye Chakra - Clarity
Affirmation : 'I experience life with divine clarity' ❤️

If you choose the ' Energy Oracle Cards' 👇

If you picked No. 1, 4 - Happy Family - Closeness, Fun, and Caring
Affirmation : 'I open myself to a new and deeper experience of family, and I am ready to see greater happiness there. I know that I am the loving family that I need' ❤️

If you picked No. 2, 24 - Adjacent Possibilities - Many Unconsidered Options
Affirmation : 'I am open and willing to take my life in new directions. I am becoming more aware of my many options for harmony and optimism in my thoughts and in all my choices each day ' ❤️

If you picked No. 3,
Affirmation : 'I live a balanced and centred life. As I care for myself, the Universe cares for me also' ❤️

If you choose the ' Crystal Reading Cards' 👇

If you picked No. 1, - Ancient Wisdom Crystal - Ancient Wisdom - Master Teacher Card
Crystal Colour : Found In All Types Of Quartz Crystal
Related Chakra: All
Crystal Meaning : 🌞 = Awakening To Ancient Wisdom
🌞 = Finding support and guidance for the future
🌞 = Developing a deeper connection to your heart
🌞 = Awakening of our divine connection to our planet

If you picked No. 2, - Ruby - Shine
Crystal Colour : Deep Shades Of Red
Related Chakra: Sacral
Crystal Meaning : 🌞 = Dissolves deep trauma and grief within the body and allows you to love yourself through the challenges of life
🌞 = Enhances passion in all areas of life
🌞 = Deepens your sensual aspects of self, allowing you to receive a flow of life-force energy and creativity
🌞 = Helps to recognise the source of inexplicable fear and anxiety

If you picked No. 3, - Cuprite - Rites Of Passage
Crystal Colour : Deep Red
Related Chakra: Base and Sacral
Crystal Meaning : 🌞 = Supports exploring the shadow self and healing deep issues
🌞 = Provides access to sacred ancient knowledge of the feminine
🌞 = Supports and holds you as you enter into the void
🌞 = Supports you to feel like you belong here on Earth

There you go, hope you enjoyed this week's card readings?
Please let me know if any of the cards resonated with you? If they did, you're welcome to share what came up for you if you wish?
Also was there any of these card decks you liked or enjoyed using? 😃
Please share your views & comments either using the blue chat message bubble below, the contact form or one of my social media channels below.
Thank you for visiting my website & blog it always means a lot to me 😍
Take care, bye for now
Luv Sally ❤️ x

Website: spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk
