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The Tarot – My Interpretation Of The Cards

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

Updated: Dec 29, 2023

By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

  • What do ‘Tarot Cards’ mean? And what do they mean to you?

  • The cards aren’t always what they seem!

  • How I’m thinking of learning to read Tarot, testing my Intuition on what comes up for me from the cards

  • Plus my views and likes on the expert Tarot card reader Theresa Reed ‘The Tarot Lady’

What do ‘Tarot Cards’ mean? And what do they mean to you?

To some, Tarot Cards can seem a bit scary as their meanings don’t always sugarcoat what they’re telling you, but for me personally I say keep an open mind with them. After all they aren’t a crystal ball, they might be able to tell your future or answer a question you have, but remember their answers aren’t the be all and end all. You take the guidance from them as you wish.

The Tarot are in two sections, Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana covers fated events, life’s journeys and important lessons you may learn as you go.

There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana. Each card image has an archetype that shows a step you might come across on your spiritual path.

The Minor Arcana covers the day-to-day things that make up your life. Your job, relationships, finances and your struggles. These are the things that you can handle. There are 56 cards in the Minor Arcana.

In the Minor Arcana, there are four suits:

🧡 Wands

🧡 Cups

🧡 Swords

🧡 Pentacles

Each of these symbolises a different facet of life:

💚 Wands – Enterprise, creativity, work, passion

💚 Cups – Emotions, relationships, love

💚 Swords – Thoughts, conflicts, challenges

💚 Pentacles – Finances, material goods, values

Each suit is also connected to an element:

💙 Wands – Fire

💙 Cups – Water

💙 Swords – Air

💙 Pentacles – Earth

The Major Arcana, 22 cards:

The Fool – Card Number 0 - Uranus

The Magician – No 1 - Mercury

The High Priestess – No 2 - Moon

The Empress – No 3 - Venus

The Emperor – No 4 – Aries

The Hierophant – No 5 – Taurus

The Lovers – No 6 – Gemini

The Chariot – No 7 – Cancer

Strength – No 8 – Leo

The Hermit – No 9 – Virgo

The Wheel of Fortune – No 10 – Jupiter

Justice – No 11 – Libra

The Hanged Man – No 12 – Neptune

Death – No 13 – Scorpio

Temperance – No 14 – Sagittarius

The Devil – No 15 – Capricorn

The Tower – No 16 – Mars

The Star – No 17 – Aquarius

The Moon – No 18 – Pisces

The Sun – No 19 – Sun

Judgement – No 20 – Pluto

The World – No 21 – Saturn

The Minor Arcana, 56 cards:

Element: Fire

The Ace of Wands The Eight of Wands

The Two of Wands The Nine of Wands

The Three of Wands The Ten of Wands

The Four of Wands The Page of Wands

The Five of Wands The Knight of Wands

The Six of Wands The Queen of Wands

The Seven of Wands The King of Wands

Element: Water

The Ace of Cups The Eight of Cups

The Two of Cups The Nine of Cups

The Three of Cups The Ten of Cups

The Four of Cups The Page of Cups

The Five of Cups The Knight of Cups

The Six of Cups The Queen of Cups

The Seven of Cups The King of Cups

Element: Air

The Ace of Swords The Eight of Swords

The Two of Swords The Nine of Swords

The Three of Swords The Ten of Swords

The Four of Swords The Page of Swords

The Five of Swords The Knight of Swords

The Six of Swords The Queen of Swords

The Seven of Swords The King of Swords

Element: Earth

The Ace of Pentacles The Eight of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles The Nine of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles The Ten of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles The Page of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles The Knight of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles The Queen of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles The King of Pentacles

"I will go into more detail about each card in other Tarot blog posts"
"I might also design a 'Tarot Card Information Sheet' to purchase in my Etsy Shop. So look out for that 😀

The cards aren’t always what they seem!

Some of the Tarot card’s pictures look quite shocking, worrying and quite intimidating. But when you see what they mean in your answer, things aren’t what they seem.

Like The Tower card where people are jumping from a burning tower. It doesn’t mean you are going to die, but it could mean endings and new beginnings to a situation that you’re in or going through.

Or The Devil card which can put people into fear and worry. Again it’s not about dying, death or being possessed, it’s about maybe addictions, like alcohol, drugs, OCD, food habits etc. It can indicate negativity, getting yourself into a situation maybe, but you can get out of it. This card can also indicate control.

The Death card again most people fear it, but it doesn’t mean the Grim Reaper is coming for you, it doesn’t mean actual death, it could mean something is coming to an end to make way for a new beginning, a transformation of something.

The Hanged Man card, another that is often misunderstood, it’s about surrender, a sacrifice of some sort maybe, to give something up to achieve a goal. It can mean to get ready to make something happen. Also have faith that something is working out, chill, trust that everything is going to plan, just let go of the situation.

The Lovers card obviously talks about your romantic relationships, but also platonic relationships too, business partners even, but rest assured if you get this card things are moving in the right direction.

The Fool card symbolises a new journey, phase, or risk in life. Have a brave leap of faith, even if you’re not sure. Trust that this path may lead in an exciting new direction. Living in the moment, taking a new route.

The Sun, The World, The Star and The Wheel of Fortune are but a few of the cards that bring us good news and good fortune.

"More information on these Tarot Cards in future blog posts! x"

How I’m thinking of learning to read Tarot, testing my Intuition on what comes up for me from the cards

Now I’m no expert in doing a ‘Tarot Card Reading’, I’m still learning to use my intuition, relaxing my mind, staring at my chosen card and just letting the words and thoughts enter my mind. I’ve tried doing a reading for myself, just to see what came up, and I shocked myself at what came into my mind, sometimes it didn’t make sense, so I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right. But my intuition was telling me something, at the time it was amusing, and amazed me, for what came into my mind, my intuition got it right, it came true, well, some of it. So maybe I was learning without realizing it!!

"More information on this topic when I’ve improved on my knowledge and Tarot Card reading"

“Can you do a Tarot Card reading? Or have you had a really good reading done for you, that it all came true? I’d loved to know your views on this"

Plus, my views and likes on the expert Tarot card reader Theresa Reed ‘The Tarot Lady’

Now if you love Tarot Card readings like me, you should have heard of Theresa Reed aka The Tarot Lady. I came across her once in a spiritual magazine, advertising her expertise. I remember watching her readings on YouTube and I was hooked. I love her humour, how she calls her husband ‘Mr Tarot Lady’ and how she puts her own stamp on the Tarot. I bought one of her books ‘Tarot, No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading’ to help me learn to do readings as Theresa makes it entertaining, interesting and seem so easy how she teaches you.

"So watch this space…. I’ll let you know how I get on with my progress when I have more to tell you"

Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do.

I'd love to hear your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. x

On my website, you can message me on my green chat message bubble, Facebook messenger on (The Spiritual Cabin FB page) or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.

Until next time....

Look after yourself 😀

for now Sally 💖

🧚‍♀️ Before you go....

My next blog post "Finding and Knowing Your Ambitions!!" talks about what are you passionate about? What do you enjoy doing in life but keep putting it off as you think you're not good enough, or you think you don't have time to do that or money etc.

The question I will be asking is ' What Do You Really Want?'


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