Hi everyone, hope you're all ok?
I thought I'd talk about
Life Purposes!
Apparently, we all have one, but there are no rules.
Some people may not even know what a 'Life Purpose' is?
Or even have a clue to what theirs is?
I think I know what mine is, as I know what lights me up inside, what makes me happy, excites me & what I'm passionate about!

🧚♀️ My Spiritual Business
🌞 Having good times & laughs with my best friends
🌜 Doing things I love to do
⭐ Having happy & healthy parents
💛 Working from home, being my own boss
Some people know from an early age that they want to help animals, whether that is either being a Vet, working at a zoo or starting a sanctuary for saving certain animals, & dedicate their lives to helping & looking after them 🐒 🦁 x
Doctors, Nurses, Surgeons, Carers etc.

In past psychic readings, I have been told, that I have had several past lives. I'm a healer & have been a nun!
The nun bit makes sense to my life, maybe that's why I'm not married or have any children & most of my relationships never got past a month, & there have always been situations that stop my relationships from progressing to be more serious & permanent. It makes you wonder that being 'a nun' in a past life I had taken a vow, so maybe it needs removing or lifting, then maybe my relationships might progress more seriously & happier.
Instead of always getting mixed up with men who have issues, that have been hurt by another woman in their previous relationships.
My 'healer' side wants to heal them, but thinking about it 'my man friend' had these above issues but seems to have got over them to a certain extent, so I liked to think I've helped him heal & I think he has helped me to heal in various ways too xxxx .
We've been friendly for at least three years so maybe my 'nun spell' has been broken yay ❤️
Now back to 'What Do You Want From Life?' or 'What Do You Want Career Wise?'
Do you know, not everyone is born or leaves school knowing what they want to do!
I didn't have a clue, but I always loved drawing (Art & Design), I loved designing things, & I think that's why I love designing posts or pictures on Canva. I loved making things too!
When you look back over your life you often think 'Why didn't I do this!' or 'Why didn't I do that!' but if you had done these things, would your life be what it is now?
You might not have met the friends or the partner you have now, & yes things might have been different, but if things had been what you thought you wanted, then you might have not got some of the good things in your life now?
'Things Happen For A Reason'
they say, looking back I'm glad that some things didn't happen that I thought I wanted, so the 'Universe' & 'The Angels' know what's best for you, or what's in your best interest! xx
Maybe try asking either & see what comes to you from your thought or feelings (Intuition) & gradually you might find out.....
'....what your life purpose is?'
I'd love to know how you know what your 'Life Purpose' is? or how you found out what it is?
Please leave a comment on either of my social channels below 👇
or if you're on my website you can either chat with me on my blue message bubble below or leave a message on my contacts form.
You can listen from my website from the episode link at the start of this blog post, or go directly to the links below for Spotify, Apple Podcast (ITunes) or Anchor FM 👇

Thanks for reading this blog post or having a listen to this episode, & I hope you found it interesting, it may have got you thinking about what is your 'Life Purpose?' 😍 x

of yourselves, & I'll chat to you again soon, so....

for now luv Sally ❤️ x
🌞 Before you go.....
My next podcast episode/blog post will be about
'Where Did That Thought Come From?..... That's Your Intuition!'

Podcast Link Page: https://www.spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk/spiritual-quirky-s-podcast
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thespiritualcabin
Twitter: www.twitter.com/QuirkySpiritual
Pinterest: www.pinterest.co.uk/thespiritualcabin
