Hi there, it’s Sally again x
Hope you're all ok & ready for Christmas? Now that is Christmas Eve once again...
Sorry, I haven't written since last month, but I think I told you that I’m a Post Lady for Royal Mail & I have just been so busy with the Christmas period like all of posties x
I’ve been one now for seventeen years & I certainly have seen some changes, a lot not for the better that’s for sure!
When I started back in September 2004, things may have been a little busy, but not to how it is now! When the government let go of its clutches & made us privatised, that was our downfall, as I’m sure a lot of other posties out there will agree with me!
The Christmas built-up has been really busy, well.... manic & hectic actually. Yes, we have lots of Christmas cards to deliver, but these days parcels are taking us over, especially since the Covid when the shops were all closed & the internet was the only way of customers getting their purchases.
It also didn’t help when Amazon run out of diesel when we had that fuel crisis a few months back, they couldn’t work so Royal Mail was given their parcels to deliver, 37 yorks of it (metal trolleys) this was just my office in Letchworth, Hertfordshire. Royal Mail has carried on through everything, we’re not getting help like other companies seem to!!
When I started back in 2004, I was full-time, working 6 days a week, with every 6th week you’d have a week off (a Wallington week) but in 2018 I decided to go part-time to make more time to concentrate on my creative endeavours, I now work 30 hours & 4 days a week, I love it & I’m certainly glad I did change my hours, I get more time to do what I really love (blogging & making crafts), having a rest & catching up on my sleep.
I can’t understand how the older postmen & women can carry on & do this now very demanding & tiring job full-time, as I’m 46 & it was slowly wearing me down & my energy levels couldn’t cope, so the posties in their late 50’s or early 60’s I don’t know how they do it & get the job done without making themselves ill! Bless ‘em x

I'm sure I'm not the only postie to be glad it's now Christmas Eve, if I listen hard enough I can probably hear posties across England sighing with relief & exhaustion of how 'over the top' amounts of letters & parcels have needed to be delivered for Christmas this year. It has been thought & commented about, that this has been the worst Christmas for Royal Mail as being one of the extremely busiest for us. I have & many other colleagues of mine, were finishing near 5pm delivering our mail in the dark, relying on street lights or customer's security lights to see where we're going or just to be able to read the addresses on the mail. Getting home late every day to do it all over again the next day. Some days we couldn't get it all in our vans as we had so much to deliver each day.
So finally, I just want to say a very big ‘Happy Christmas’ & ‘All The Best for 2022’ to all my readers & followers out there xx
Thank you to all of you for having a read of this blog post, you can also find me on Instagram, Pinterest & Twitter x
My last thing I wanted to mention is
“Well done to all us posties out there all across the UK & the rest of the British Isles, we all do a great job & a lot of the public out there don’t realise how much work we have to do throughout the year, not just the busy periods of Christmas”
Thank you to all of us & hope you all have a good rest as we get 4 days off this year yay, enjoy! x, not just our normal 2 days xx
Take care, hope to see you at my next blog post thanks it means a lot Sally ❤️ xx

Website: spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk
