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The Archangel’s List...Warrior, Messenger, To The Healer, They Can Help You – The Blog Series

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

Hi, it’s Sally here, hope everyone is ok?

Today I’m talking about ‘The Archangels’ there are 12 in total & this is my first blog post in this blog series about them.

The first Archangel I’m talking about is Michael

He is the Archangel in charge, ‘The Protector’, he is ‘The Warrior’, ‘The Healer’.

Archangel Michael or Saint Michael is the victory of good over evil. You can call on Michael in an emergency & receive instant help. Whatever type of protection you need, Michael is ready to give you the necessary courage & strength to deal with your problem or dilemma. Michael’s aura colour is blue, his blue lights can be seen in a crisis. He is a very clear communicator & you’re more likely to hear his guidance in your mind or sense it as a gut feeling.

So, you could say that Archangel Michael is in charge of helping you with:-

  • During A Crisis

  • Reassurance in a situation eg. When you need encouragement to make a faithful decision, also to let you know that God & the angels are really watching over you

  • With protection, truth, integrity, courage, stability, strength, healing, self-esteem, confidence, peace, harmony & compassion

  • Sense of comfort or warmth, he wants you to know that he is near & has heard your prayers & questions

  • Fulfilling your life or soul’s purpose – he wants to motivate you to become more organised & productive, to help us develop the skills & talents that will support us

  • Performs miracles when they’re in alignment with their soul’s divine will

  • Assists you in ascending higher

  • Stops the ego & clears a busy mind

  • Clears negativity & low vibrational energies

  • Releases limiting beliefs, thoughts & emotions

  • Guards against psychic attacks

  • Assists with important life changes

  • Supports you when you’re lacking motivation, dedication & direction in life

  • Determination when you’re struggling with a project

  • Organization when life is chaotic

Disclosure: These links are free for you to download & listen to & will not cost you anything to do so, just enjoy reading & listening at your leisure ❤️

These tasks above that Michael can help you with, a PDF can be downloaded Click here to download Archangel Michael's Help Guide for you to keep 😀

My favourite ‘Archangel Michael’ angel oracle tarot cards are from Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine’s 'Archangel Power Tarot Cards' deck ❤️

Please let me know if any of these cards below resonate with you for any reason? If they do please feel free to click on their links for a message from the guidebook that came with this deck of cards, thank you 😀

Knight of Michael - Time to move quickly! Choose logic over emotion. Sudden changes.

Page of Michael - An exciting new challenge! You have what it takes to succeed. Review contracts or documents very thoroughly.

King of Michael - Wisdom & objectivity are important now! Stay in your integrity. A situation that calls for honest & open communication.

Five of Michael - This situation doesn't serve you! Release your attachment to the outcome. Consider taking a more uplifting approach.

21 The World - A very happy ending! Coming full circle. Spiritual growth & insight.

Six of Michael - It's the light at the end of the tunnel! Breathe a sigh of relief & make new plans. Relocation or travel.

Nine of Michael - Your worry is unnecessary! Focus your thoughts on the outcome you desire. Release feelings of regret, guilt, or worry to your angels.

Three of Michael - Release the past. You will grow from this situation. Time heals all wounds.

Two of Michael - It will be all better if you just make a decision! Overanalyzing a problem. Find a compromise.

Four of Michael - Insights that come from quiet meditation. The need for more sleep or time off. Seek relief from stress.

Ten of Michael - A situation has ended, & you are finally free. New opportunities for happiness will now follow. Put the past behind you.

Seven of Michael - There is a better course of action available to you! Working alone may not be the best answer. Review all the details.

Eight of Michael - You can be free! Make a courageous choice to change your situation. Not seeing things clearly.

Queen of Michael - You know exactly what to do! The benefit of experience. A time for your career rather than relationships.

Ace of Michael - A wonderful new idea! Don't allow bumps in the road to hinder your progress. Clear up communication problems with others.

If you want to leave a comment either below, on my contact form, on any of my social media channels, or the blue message bubble below please do so thank you.

Thanks for reading this blog post it means a lot x

Take care Luv Sally ❤️ x

Next is Archangel Gabriel & how she/he can help you, plus another download sheet to collect x


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