Hi there, hope you’re all well & the terrible goings-on between the Ukraine & Russia aren’t getting you down or worrying you too much? 😧 Luckily the Archangels are here to help ❤️
Today I’m carrying on with ‘The Archangel’s List’ Blog Series, & I’m talking about Archangel Raphael next.

He is a powerful healer, yet he is very gentle, compassionate, and deeply loving. He is in charge of healing all living things on earth which includes humans, animals, trees & plants. He can even assist you in healing relationships in your life. Raphael is also a strong protector when you’re traveling anywhere, even if you’re only driving to the supermarket.
When Archangel Raphael is near you, his energy feels like a gentle loving energy. He can feel like he’s hugging you & pouring unconditional love into your heart.
You may even visualise or sense that his main colour is emerald green, but he does use a variety of vibrant shades of greens when sending healing energies toward you. It is even possible you might feel energy pulsing through your body or feel heat or tingling when he is around you.
Archangel Raphael likes to communicate with you through your intuition, he can bring you sudden ideas or thoughts that contain a message. He loves to assist you in healing all levels of your mind, body & spirit, including healing you emotionally, physically & mentally & with chronic issues.
I will have more to tell you about Archangel Raphael at a later date....
But here are lots of ways Raphael can help you in your time of need:-
Powerful healer
Breaks up low vibrational energies so they can be cleared away
Finding truth & balance
Helps heal relationships
Boosts low self-esteem
Helps when you feel stuck in life
Past life healing
Helps you reconnect spiritually
Assists with figuring out mixed emotions
Comforts you when you’re feeling hurt
Disclosure: These links below are free for you to download & listen to & will not cost you anything to do so, just enjoy reading & listening at your leisure ❤️
These tasks above that Raphael can help you with, a PDF can be downloaded Click here to download Archangel Raphael's Help Guide for you to keep 😀
My favourite ‘Archangel Raphael’ angel oracle tarot cards are from Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine’s 'Archangel Power Tarot Cards' deck ❤️
Please let me know if any of these cards below resonate with you for any reason? If they do, please feel free to click on their links for a message from the guidebook that came with this deck of cards, thank you 😀

Ace Of Raphael - A positive, new emotional experience. Fulfilling romantic relationships. Deep and lasting spiritual insights
Two Of Raphael - Two hearts dedicated to creating something wonderful. Kindred spirits. Don't give up on those you love.
Three Of Raphael - Reasons to celebrate! A community of friends. Happy announcements regarding relationships or children.
Four Of Raphael - Seek out other possibilities. Look for the magic in life. Be aware of your own emotions.
Five Of Raphael - Everything happens for a reason. Release regret, and embrace the opportunities for happiness. Search for the silver lining.
Six Of Raphael - Embrace your inner child. New friends or rekindled relationships. Children or childhood.
Seven Of Raphael - Time to make a decision! Be clear on what you want, and take action. A need for detoxification.
Eight Of Raphael - There is something better waiting for you! Do what you know is right for you. A spiritual quest.
Nine Of Raphael - Make a wish! Dreams become reality. A joyful time of life.
Ten Of Raphael - Love and blessings fill your life! Harmonious relationships with family members. Happily after.
Page Of Raphael - Gentle, Loving, Dreamy, Openhearted - A new emotional situation! Messages regarding relationships or social invitations. Great intuitive insights.
Knight Of Raphael - Romantic, Dramatic, Poetic, Introspective - Committed romantic relationships. Being swept off your feet. Situations or topics that make your heart flutter.
Queen Of Raphael - Kind, Understanding, Giving, Psychic - Follow your heart! A love of home and family. Trustworthy psychic information.
King Of Raphael - Warm, Generous, Honorable, Refined - Yes, it is safe to trust! The ability to accomplish many things at once. Follow your creative passions.
6 - The Lovers - Archangel Raphael - Make choices from your heart. Deeply emotional commitments. The power of love.
If you want to leave a comment either below, on my contact form, on any of my social media channels, or the blue message bubble below please do so thank you.
Thanks for reading this blog post it means a lot x
Take care Luv Sally ❤️ x
Next is Archangel Ariel & how she/he can help you, plus another download sheet to collect x
🧚 My next blog post maybe a little later than originally planned as I need more time to start setting up my new shop & start creating & finishing off some of my crafts to be able to sell them in there, (there will be some posts of how I'm getting on, on my social media channels) then I will carry on with my blogging again, so watch this space 👀
Thanks for your patience it means a lot to me & you all taking the time to have read of my stuff ❤️ 😀
Take care bye for now
Luv Sally ❤️ x

Website: spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk
