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The Archangel’s List...The Communicator, Archangel Gabriel, She Can Help You – The Blog Series

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

Updated: Mar 4, 2022

Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing ok?

I’m talking about another Archangel in this blog series. The second, being Archangel Gabriel.

She is ‘The Messenger’, ‘The Healer’ & an expert in communication x

Archangel Gabriel as mentioned above is the messenger angel, & specialises in communication. I call Gabriel ‘She’ but she could also be a ‘He’, it just depends on how you see or feel Archangel Gabriel be to you, as she/he can have either masculine or feminine energy.

Archangel Gabriel will always stay with you once she has been called for or sent to help you & will remain with you for the rest of your life ❤️.️ Her colours are white, gold, & copper. Also, her energy feels very cheerful, joyful, & bubbly.

When Archangel Gabriel connects with you, she will first use her healing light to cleanse away whatever is holding you back in life. Then she brings in white light from the top of your head & flows it into your throat chakra to cleanse it. You might even feel a tingle in your throat chakra as she heals it with divine love ❤️. After this, you’re able to speak your truth & complete your life mission without any fear x.

So, Archangel Gabriel can assist in helping or healing you with the following:

  • Communication expert supports you in all forms of communication

  • Opens your throat chakra

  • Gain confidence

  • Soul purpose

  • Dream interpretation

  • Spiritual insights

  • Knowing which direction to take next

  • Brings you healing in a way that will have a healing effect eg. Someone sending you a gift, doing a favourite hobby, spending time in nature, etc.

  • Boosts your emotions

  • Support when making career changes

  • Guidance for making big purchases or moving to a new home

Disclosure: These links below are free for you to download & listen to & will not cost you anything to do so, just enjoy reading & listening at your leisure ❤️

These tasks above that Gabriel can help you with, a PDF can be downloaded Click here to download Archangel Gabriel's Help Guide for you to keep 😀

If you want to know in more detail about these topics, please let me know as I can give you more information on them, plus I may do more blog posts on them in more detail in the future anyway x

My favourite ‘Archangel Gabriel’ angel oracle tarot cards are from Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine’s 'Archangel Power Tarot Cards' deck ❤️

Please let me know if any of these cards below resonate with you for any reason? If they do, please feel free to click on their links for a message from the guidebook that came with this deck of cards, thank you 😀

Ace Of Gabriel - A gift of passion, opportunity, and inspiration! The chance to do something amazing! A sense of wonder.

Two Of Gabriel - Make bold and ambitious choices! Great progress is possible. Important relationships with people who share your vision.

Three Of Gabriel - Prosperity arising from wise planning. Time to take the next step. Optimistic plans that turn out as expected.

Four Of Gabriel - Time for a celebration! Abundant rewards for hard work. Release yourself from burdensome situations.

Five Of Gabriel - A challenge you can resolve. Withdraw from the drama of others. Have patience with yourself and those around you.

Six Of Gabriel - Congratulations, you've done a wonderful job! Time to move on to the next project. Awards, scholarships, or promotions.

Seven Of Gabriel - Stand up for what you believe in! Have confidence. Claim your personal power.

Eight Of Gabriel - A great deal of activity. Sudden and immediate results. Important communication.

Nine Of Gabriel - Stay determined and move forward! Be prepared for any possibility. Environmental activism.

Ten Of Gabriel - Ask your angels for helpful people to lighten your load. Working too many hours. Trying too hard to please others.

3 - The Empress - Archangel Gabriel - Time to act upon your plans! Creativity is rewarded. Luxurious or abundant resources.

Page Of Gabriel - Energetic, Brave, Optimistic, Playful - Follow your passion! You are ready for any challenge. Opportunities for excitement and adventure.

Knight Of Gabriel - Confident, Enthusiastic, Courageous, Charismatic - Time to take action! Great passion for a cause. Instinctively knowing just what to do.

Queen Of Gabriel - Passionate, Charming, Brillant, Independent - You can do anything right now! Go after what you want. The ability to attract helpful people.

King Of Gabriel - Generous, Inspirational, Dramatic, Driven - Keep your eyes on the big picture; leave the details to others. Experience that leads to success. Genuine concern for others.

If you want to leave a comment either below, on my contact form, on any of my social media channels, or the blue message bubble below please do so thank you.

Thanks for reading this blog post it means a lot x

Take care Luv Sally ❤️ x

Next is Archangel Raphael & how she/he can help you, plus another download sheet to collect x

I may have a break from 'The Archangels' for a couple of blog posts. I don't want them becoming mundane or you, my readers getting bored on the topic, as 'Archangels' are very interesting beings and can help us have the best lives possible ❤️

So for my next blog post, I thought I'd talk about 'Manifesting' instead. So if you like the sound of that please look out for that, take care 😀


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