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Some Things Are Meant To Be.... They Happen For A Reason 💖

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

  • How I started to believe in Angels

  • How the 'Universe/Intuition can give you a firm nudge to take action

  • The saying that annoys people sometimes 'Things Happen For A Reason' but it's true

💙 How I started to believe in Angels

I think back to when I started to believe in Angels, think more positively & started using my intuition more !! I can't remember how I knew what to do & what to read about but obviously the trauma of my stressful Royal Mail job I had at the time (that took me over ten years to leave) opened me up to hearing & sensing my angels (Guardian Angels) who intuitively steered me in the right direction out of my problems & worries & gradually in the right direction of positivity & a better more happier life ❤️

"Sometimes when we finally get what we want, that we have been working towards, there will be something else we then want, it's never ending... we are never 100% happy, but things that can help your life for the better can make it easier"

We all get to that stage in life, for me it was my early forties, when you start thinking 'there's got to be more to life than this?' I've felt like that in every job I've had. I now realise that it's probably to do with the universe, it knows what I should be be doing, working from home doing my business 'THE SPIRITUAL CABIN' but how do I make a living blogging, selling printables, fridge magnets and key rings? As I can't seem to figure it out, that's why it is my side hustle at the moment.

When I became more interested & intrigued with 'Angels' I wanted to know more about them & of course Amazon is the shop you can get most things from (I should be getting paid for saying that) 🤔😆👍

And this is where I found my first book 'Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians - Contact Your Invisible Helpers' by Richard Webster . I love this book 👆 especially when I first started reading it, 7 years ago !

When I looked at it today to write this blog post, I remember how enjoyable & interesting I found it & how it helped me further my interest & knowledge in the Angels & how they can help you believe, not just in them but believe in yourself & give you the confidence to achieve what you want in your life !

(I defiantly recommend this book. If anyone was thinking of buying it - see the link to Amazon above to have a peek👍 I don't get any money for sharing this link, I share it as I want other readers to benefit from the book like it helped me 💖). I will talk about this book more in the future, in another blog post.

" Remember your Guardian Angel is always with you, your intuition is your angel talking to you, giving you the guidance you need or asked for"

💚 I will go into more details about 'Connecting With Your Angels' in another blog post soon 💖

💙 How the 'Universe/Intuition can give you a firm nudge to take action

We all have Free Will so 'The Angels' won't help us unless we ask for help or guidance. But if they can see things are getting awkward or so unbearable they can intervene and give us a helping hand by making a situation so unbearable, it forces you into action for your own good.

Like if you're in a toxic, unhealthy relationship, the angels/universe can make you have a big argument so much so, that it splits you up so you gradually move on to someone better and more suited for you. They can see you're not going to do anything about it, so they give you a gentle nudge into action for your own good.

A good example of the angels/universe doing that for me is how I left my Royal Mail job of 20 years. Slowly I was becoming ill more frequently, it was one thing after another, which wasn't like me, anyone could see from my 'Sick Record' that I could go years without being off ill, so gradually my job was making me ill. Until one day after coming back to work after being ill for 2 weeks, to find they were taking my delivery route off me and making me covering any delivery route that needed covering, which can be very stressful if you don't know the area you are delivering to. I was horrified, especially as other posties never got moved off their deliveries but I was. I voiced to my manager that I was unhappy and could see they weren't going to listen to me, so I walked straight back out the door and was off with Stress for nearly two months. I knew I wasn't going back to that job and I still believe now that the angels/universe made that situation happen to give me a friendly push into a better life, as in those two months I looked for another job and gradually found one at Costcos on the bakery.

Looking back, I could see a pattern reoccurring time after time happening to me where anything good that happened to me in that job gradually got taken away from me as I wasn't supposed to be there!

If you find you're in a similar situation, take a look at it to see if the Universe isn't trying to tell you something 💚 As this is a fine example of the angels/universe trying to gently nudge you into another path in your life, but when you're not listening like I wasn't it makes something happen so uncomfortable for you it forces you to take action into helping you have a better more happier life x

💚 The saying that annoys people sometimes 'Things Happen For A Reason' but it's true

So the previous story is this saying, 'Things Happen For A Reason' that situation had to happen to finally get me off the 'hamster wheel' of unhappiness. The only good things about hanging my Royal Mail job out longer than planned was that there was a few people I wouldn't have met (work colleagues) that became friends and meeting my fella that I worked with for a while. So 'Things Do Happen For A Reason' 😉

"What situations have you been in that became unbearable that the Universe had to step in to help your life take a better direction? I'd love to know if you'd like to share" 💚

It could also mean that an annoying delay to work one day, a traffic jam happened that if you'd been earlier you would have been involved in an accident or you were due to go on holiday on a plane and due to you becoming ill you couldn't go only to find out that plane crashed and people died. The Universe works in mysterious ways 😮

" So when you get delayed in some way, don't be annoyed and angry be grateful, as the Universe/Angels might be doing you a favour" 😉💖

💚 Things Always Happen For A Reason just remember that when something upsets you or makes you angry take a step back and think was the Universe/Angels helping you out, you will come to realise that looking back on your life, that annoying or upsetting situation helped change your life and steer it into a more happier and better life for you. "Thank goodness that happened!" you end up saying. 😉💖

Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do.

I'd love to hear your views and comments on this topic, on my social media channel Instagram x

On my website, you can message me on my green chat message bubble, or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.

Until next time....

for now

Sally 💖

🧚‍♀️ Before you go....


My next blog post is carrying on my new series "The Tarot Series" it talks all about each Tarot card in detail plus there will be a 'Tarot Card Guidance Sheet' for each card to collect on sale in my Payhip shop 'Sals Spiritual Creations'. Plus get the whole 17 page ‘Tarot Card Deck Information sheet - Major & Minor Arcana Guide’ absolutely free!!


The third Tarot card will be from the 'Major Arcana' "The High Priestess" so look out for all this 👊





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