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My Top 5 Tips For Keeping Positive x

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

Hi there, ‘Happy 2022’ & I hope the start of your new year has been a good one so far & going to plan as you’ve wanted?

Hope you celebrated New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day either eating, drinking & being merry, or just chilling at home, whatever way you choose to celebrate hope you enjoyed it x

Now we all need help keeping positive sometimes, these are my 5 Top Tips to help you keep positive in life:-

(In reverse order as 1 is the most important x)

5. THE MOST EASIEST & OBVIOUS ONE - Always look on the positive side of everything as it helps you to carry on with your day & it can help your day go in a better more happier direction too.

4. If something makes you unhappy or worried, confront the problem as it then might not seem as bad as you might have thought.

3. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to do, find a way to do it eg. Write a blog or book, travel the world, make new friends, etc. You don’t want to die with your dreams trapped inside you with lots of regrets, give them a try at least x

2. When a negative or worrying thought pops into your head, have a positive one to replace it, which is normally the opposite answer to the negative one anyway x

Eg. “I’m going to be late!”

changed to “There’s plenty of time”

Or “What if they don't like me?”

changed to “It doesn’t matter if they don’t like me!”

1. Always try your best at everything you do, some things in life we can’t do, but give it a go as you may find you can do it when you thought you couldn’t. The outcome will probably be better than what you thought anyway x

So, there you have it, these are my 5 top tips on keeping positive, they help me, hope they do you too?

Please let me know in the comments below, social media channels or message bubble:-

“What helps you keep positive?”

I’d love to know what you think or what I’ve had to say?

Thanks for reading this blog post it means a lot to me x

In my next blog post I’m starting a blog series on the Archangels called ‘The Archangel’s List’ it will explain what each Archangel does & can help you with. The first in the series will be ‘Archangel Michael’. There will also be a free help info guide for you to download on Archangel Michael's abilities so look out for that too❤️

Take care Luv Sally ❤️ x


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