Hi everyone,
Today I’m talking about ‘The Archangels’ there are quite a few all waiting to hear from you,
they are powerful celestial beings, they can guide you with whatever issues you may have, as like ‘The Angels’ they all have a speciality they’re an expert in.

There were originally four, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, but with further investigation, I’m going to mention fifteen in total.
The Archangels are among God’s original creations, and they existed long before us humans or any organised religions. They belong to God, not to any specific religion or group. So, this means archangels work with people of all different beliefs and paths. In fact, they work with whoever asks for their assistance.

"You needn’t worry about asking for the archangels help incorrectly. You don’t have to be specially trained or use fancy wording to get or ask for their guidance or attention. Any sincere call for help is enough, as all they need is your permission. Ask them a question out loud or in your head in prayer"
🧚♀️ Identifying The Archangels – How They Can Help You!
Archangel Ariel – name means “lion or lioness of God”. Known as the archangel of the earth, she works tirelessly on behalf of the planet. She oversees the elemental kingdom and helps in the healing of the animals, especially the non-domesticated kind. Call upon Ariel to become better acquainted with the fairies, to help with environmental concerns, or to heal an injured wild bird or other animals.
Archangel Azrael – name means “whom God helps”. Azrael is sometimes called the Angel of Death because he meets people at the time of their physical passing and escorts them to the Other Side. he helps newly crossed-over souls feel comfortable and very loved. This archangel assists ministers of all religions and also spiritual teachers. Call upon Azrael for your deceased or dying loved ones, and also for help with your formal or informal ministry. Because of their similar-sounding names, Azrael is sometimes confused with Azazael, who is considered a fallen angel. Yet their personas, missions, and energies couldn’t be more different. Our Azrael is a pure and trustworthy being of God’s light.
Archangel Chamuel’s name means “he who sees God”. He helps us locate important parts of our lives. Call upon Chamuel to find a new love interest, new friendships, a different job, or any lost item. Once found, your new situation can be maintained and developed with the help of this archangel. So, ask him if you need assistance in sorting out any misunderstandings in personal or work relationships.
Archangel Gabriel’s name means “God is my strength”. In early Renaissance paintings, Gabriel is portrayed as a female archangel, although later writings refer to this being as being masculine. She’s the messenger angel who helps all earthly messengers such as writers, teachers, and journalists. Call upon Gabriel to overcome fear or procrastination in any endeavour involving communication or any aspect of child conception, adoption, pregnancy, and early childhood.
Archangel Haniel’s name means “grace of God”. Call upon this archangel whenever you wish to add grace and its effects (peace, serenity, enjoyment of good friends’ company, beauty, harmony and so on) to your life. You can also request help before any event in which you desire to be the embodiment of grace, such as giving an important presentation, being interviewed for a job, or going on a first date.
Archangel Jeremiel’s name means “mercy of God”. He’s an inspirer who motivates us to devote ourselves to spiritual acts of service. He’s also involved with the process of attaining Divine wisdom. Call upon Jeremiel if you feel “stuck” spiritually so that you may regain enthusiasm about your path and divine mission. This archangel provides comfort for emotional healing and is wonderfully helpful with forgiveness issues.
Archangel Jophiel’s name means “beauty of God”. She’s the patron archangel of artists and helps us see and maintain beauty in life. Call upon her before beginning any artistic project. Since Jophiel is involved in beautifying the planet by cleansing it of pollution, you can also ask her for assignments to help in this situation. Jophiel can also help you clear out clutter from your office, your home, or even your life in general.
Archangel Metatron’s name means “angel of Presence”. He’s thought to be the youngest and the tallest of the archangels, and one of the two who once walked upon the earth as a man (as the prophet Enoch). Metatron works with Mother Mary to help children, both living and crossed over. In research, it is to believe that in the Kabbalah, Metatron is the Chief angel of the Tree of Life, where he guides humans at the start of their spiritual journey. Call upon him for any kind of assistance you may need with your little ones. His help often involves helping youngsters open their spiritual awareness and understanding. He also assists Crystal and Indigo children in keeping their spiritual gifts awakened and coping with school and other aspects of life.
Archangel Michael’s name means “he who is as God” or “he who looks like God”. He’s the archangel who releases the effects of fear from the planet and its inhabitants. The patron of police officers, he gives all of us the courage and backbone to follow our truth and fulfil our divine mission. Call upon Michael if you feel afraid or confused about personal safety, your heavenly purpose, or making a necessary life change. You can also ask him to help you fix any mechanical or electrical problems. In addition, Michael can assist you in remembering your life purpose, and then give you the courage to follow through on it.
Archangel Raguel’s name means “friend of God”. He’s often called the archangel of justice and is the champion of underdogs. Ask him for help whenever you feel that you’re being overpowered or manipulated. Raguel will give a helping hand by giving you guidance about how to attain balanced power and fairness within the structure of your personal and community relationships. Also, call upon him on behalf of another person who’s being treated unfairly. Raguel will help you harmonize all of your relationships.
Archangel Raphael’s name means “God heals”, and he’s in charge of physical healings. He helps all those dedicated to the promotion of health and wellness, this extends to those who are not yet active in this field. Call upon Raphael to heal any injuries or illnesses you or others (including animals) are suffering with. Ask him to help with your healing work, including education and building a private practice. In addition, Archangel Raphael aids those who are travelling, so request that he ensures a harmonious and safe journey.
Archangel Raziel’s name means “secret of God”. He is said to stand very near to God, so he hears all Divine conversations about universal secrets and mysteries. He wrote these secrets in a document that he gave to Adam, which eventually ended up in the hands of the prophets Enoch and Samuel. Call upon Raziel whenever you wish to understand a special knowledge material (including your dreams) or to engage in past-life, or manifestation work.
Archangel Sandalphon’s name means “brother” because, like Archangel Metatron, he was once a human prophet (Elijah) who ascended into archangeldom. Sandalphon is the archangel of music and answered prayers. He helps Archangel Michael clear away fear and the effects of fear (with music). Put on some soothing music and call upon him to dispel any spiritual confusion.
Archangel Uriel’s name means “God is light”. This Heavenly being poured light upon a troubling situation, which illuminates your problem-solving abilities. Call upon Uriel whenever you get into a sticky situation and you need to think clearly and find answers. Uriel also helps students and those who need intellectual assistance.
Archangel Zadkiel’s name means “righteousness of God”. He has long been regarded as the angel of good memory, and like Uriel, he’s a great helper to students. Call upon Zadkiel to help you remember anything, including your own divine beliefs.
So now you know what each Archangel can help you with, why don’t we simply direct all our questions and requests to them? As the Archangels are extensions of God, who are easier to hear and feel during times of great stress. They look past human mistakes and see the inner goodness within us all. They want to bring peace to earth by helping us all be peaceful. So, one of their missions includes assisting the “unpeaceful” people of the world.
You needn’t worry about asking for the archangel's help incorrectly. You don’t have to be specially trained or use fancy wording to get or ask for their guidance or attention. Any sincere call for help is enough, as all they need is your permission. Ask them a question out loud or in your head in prayer.
EG: “Please protect me, Archangel Michael....”
“Thank you, Archangel Michael, for protecting me...”
Both have the same results in helping you with their guidance.
“Please help me with my financial debt...”

"People who work with The Archangels often feel that their lives have been changed for the better, people become happier, healthier and more peaceful and sure-footed as a result of doing so. The Archangels are a very personal way to connect with God’s love and wisdom"
I hope this blog post has been interesting for you, as a lot of people don’t realise how many Archangels there really are, and how they can help you just like the other angels can, you never have to feel alone as there is always an archangel to help you where you need it you just need to ask for their help ❤️
….and you just have to believe xx
🧚♀️ Here's a PDF for you to download free, listing 'The Archangels - Who They Are & How Their Expert Guidance Can Help You' 💛

You can have a listen if you prefer from my website from the link at the start of this blog post, or go directly to Spotify, Apple Podcasts/ITunes or Anchor FM (See links below 👇)
Anyway, thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot you do.
You’re welcome to leave me your comments or views on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, I look forward to reading them x
If you are on my website www.spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk you can message me on my blue chat message bubble or my contacts page/box.

& thanks again for reading this or having a listen 😉
Until next time....

for now Sally ❤️
🧚♀️ Before you go....
I will be concentrating more on blogging for now with a podcast episode once or twice a month. So my next blog post will be about 'How To Connect With The Angels' 🤩
Podcast Link Page: https://www.spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk/mypodcast
Twitter: www.twitter.com/QuirkySpiritual
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thespiritualcabin
