Hi there, today I’m talking about the fourth and final Clair in this 4-part series Clairaudience or ‘Clear Hearing’.
Have you ever heard ringing in your ears?
Well, chances are you probably have at one time or another, some people call them ‘news bells’ where you hear a high pitch ringing in your ear. For some, it may be Tinnitus if it is painful or unbearable noises and tones, but if that has been ruled out or ear wax is the issue and it still happens frequently, then it could be your angel giving you a message instead.
Occasionally I get the ringing myself, only for a few seconds, it does sound like the old type dial-up modem we used to have to get us on the internet, I don’t know what they’re telling me exactly but I try to work out when I hear the ringing to what ‘the angel(s)’ could be telling me at that time, or a thought I’m having so they could be giving me a message about it. You don’t need to decode the message in the ringing what the angel is telling you but you just need to be committed to receiving a message somehow, which might be through a friend, work-mate or family member, you may even hear a message on the tv or the radio.

"Occasionally I get the ringing myself, only for a few seconds, it does sound like the old type dial-up modem we used to have to get us on the internet, I don’t know what they’re telling me exactly but I try to work out when I hear the ringing to what ‘the angel(s)’ could be telling me at that time, or a thought I’m having so they could be giving me a message about it."
Here are common ways in which you can hear your angels
Upon awakening, you hear your name called by a disembodied voice
Out of nowhere, you hear beautiful celestial-sounding music
You hear a song repeatedly, either in your head, on tv or on the radio
There’s a loud ringing noise in one ear
You overhear a conversation in which a stranger says the exact thing that you need to hear
You just “happen” to turn on the tv or radio at the precise moment when a relevant discussion is occurring
You pick up on a loved one’s call for help, and it turns out that he or she needed assistance just then
A disembodied voice gives you a warning or a life-enhancing message
You’re looking for a lost item, you pray for help, and then you hear a voice tell you where to find it

Is there a question about an issue or situation that is bothering you?
You can get answers in response to questions, either by asking God or the Angels out loud or in your mind. Hold the intention of giving that question to them and trust that you’ll receive an answer. Even if you don’t hear any divine beings answering you, be assured that they can defiantly hear you!
Sometimes you might just feel better, and more confident in just voicing your concerns but if you’re wanting a direct answer, you should hear a response to your question within a day or so. You may hear the answer in the form of a song, and you may notice a tune playing repeatedly on the radio or tv or just in your mind. The answer might be in the song’s lyrics or the song might just remind you of someone, it could also be a message that this person is thinking of you.
You could hear a voice call out to you just on waking in the morning, it means that our angels or guides just want to say hello.
(Remember my message hearing an unknown male’s voice tell me 15th October).
It’s easier for them to deliver this greeting when you’re just waking up because our mind is more open to spiritual communications. We’re more likely to remember the message when half awake, as opposed to being fully asleep. So, if you do hear your name called don’t worry if someone wants to get through to you, it’s just a loving greeting to let you know that you’re being watched over.
Don’t worry if you think you didn’t get an answer to your question, you probably did, you may have missed it, or maybe it wasn’t the answer you wanted. Ask the question again, and ask The Angels, Universe or God to make the answer clear to you so it will be obvious what it is to you x

"You can get answers in response to questions, either by asking God or the Angels out loud or in your mind. Hold the intention of giving that question to them and trust that you’ll receive an answer. Even if you don’t hear any divine beings answering you, be assured that they can defiantly hear you!"
How Do I know who is talking to me?
God’s voice sounds very loud, to the point, friendly, and casual, with good humour
The archangels are very loud, to the point, formal and direct. They speak a lot about divine love, getting on track with your mission and overcoming doubts, fears, and procrastination with respect to this purpose
The angels sound almost Shakespearean at times, with very formal speech patterns
Your higher self sounds like your own voice
The ego comes across as abusive, discouraging, paranoid and depressing, and it begins sentences with the word ‘I’ because it’s egocentric

"Now am I Clairaudient? Maybe a little, to the point of hearing messages on tv or in songs and occasionally hearing my name or a brief message when awakening or even hearing an answer through a passing stranger or work colleague, but I think I’m more Clairsentient, Clear Feeling myself x "

You can have a listen if you prefer from my website from the link at the start of this blog post, or go directly to Spotify, Apple Podcasts/ITunes or Anchor FM (See links below 👇)
Well, this is the end of this four-part series on ‘The Four Clairs’, I hope it has given you some guidance and reassurance if you are Clairaudient.
And you found it interesting?
You can leave me your comments or views on this topic and on any of the other three episodes if you wish, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook I look forward to reading them x
If you are on my website www.thespiritualcabin.co.uk you can message me on my blue chat message bubble or my contacts page/box.

& thanks again for having a read of this blog post
(or listening to my podcast ❤️ x)
Until next time...

for now Sally ❤️ x
🧚♀️ Before you go....
In my next podcast episode/blog post, I will be chatting about 'The Angels' and how many different types there are to help us with all sorts of things in life 😍
Website: www.thespiritualcabin.co.uk
Podcast Link Page: https://www.thespiritualcabin.co.uk/mypodcast
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thespiritualcabin
