Hi everyone, today I’m talking about the third Clair in this 4-part series 'The Four Clairs' Claircognizance or ‘Clear Thinking’.
This Clair I think is quite a clever one, an amazing one, they all are in their own rights but with Claircognizance you know something without having clear evidence or proof of knowing some information, ‘you just know, that’s all’.
You’re probably called a ‘brain-box’, well you probably are in your own right, you know a lot of things or information, but you are bewildered and amazed in not knowing how you came to know such things???

A lot of Claircognizants are probably geniuses like inventors, scientists, authors, futurists and leaders, they have used their gift of Claircognizance to tap into their subconscious to access new ideas and inspiration.
“All progress, all success, springs from thinking”
It is said that Edison and other great inventors meditated until they received a brainstorm of inspiration and ideas.
So many Claircognizants write off their genius ideas as being obvious to others. “Everyone knows this stuff” claircognizants say to themselves, not realising that their ideas are unique and are one of a kind.
Claircognizants benefit from spending time away from computers, offices or factory work by getting out in the fresh air and nature.

“I’m not sure if I’m Claircognizant, I’m certainly not a genius, but I’m far from stupid, but I find my ideas flow more when I’m out in nature, in the fresh air, as when I’m out delivering in my Royal Mail job, I can be walking a long often in auto-pilot, daydreaming or meditating to some and ideas pop in my head, hoping I remember it when I get back to my van as I can’t always write it down, but I think to myself, if it’s that great of an idea, it will come back to me, and when I get home they often do, as true divine claircognizance is repetitive and positive”
Here are common ways in which Claircognizance occurs: -
You met a person and suddenly knew details about them without having had previous knowledge about them
You possessed information about something related to current events without having read or heard about it
You had a premonition of how something was going to turn out...only to find later, that you were right
You had an idea for a business, a book, or an invention that haunted you. Gave the idea a go and found out it worked out very well indeed. Or you ignored it and discovered that someone else with the same idea ran with it and made a fortune
You lost your phone, keys, purse or wallet and when you asked the angels where the item was, you received a sudden knowingness that led you right to it
True claircognizance doesn’t just wave a dream under your nose and say ‘get on with it’, no...it gives you complete step-by-step instructions on how to make it happen. The trick though is to know that you are only given one step at a time and won’t get the next step until you’ve completed the first. God or the Angels don’t want to overwhelm you so only one step at a time x
We receive this information in the form of repetitive thoughts or feelings, visions, or words, depending upon our spiritual views, that tell us to do something. The ‘something’ might not seem that important at the time, ‘call that person’, ‘write this letter’, ‘phone that person’, ‘send an email or text to this person’ for example.

You can have a listen if you prefer from my website from the link at the start of this blog post, or go directly to Spotify, Apple Podcasts/ITunes or Anchor FM (See links below 👇)
Angels can give you guidance and ideas in response to your prayers. You can receive this divine transmission at moments when your mind is tuned in, in such a way like during Dreamtime, meditation, exercise or even watching tv when your mind goes on cruise control. You feel excited and energised by divinely guided insights and it's important not to shrug them off with pessimistic thoughts. The idea rings true, and you’ll know, deep in your soul that this is it! Certainly, any idea can fail. But it can also succeed.
So, give it a go, and trying it gives your life meaning at the end of the day, that’s for sure xx
So, I hope this episode gave you some guidance and reassurance if you are Claircognizant. Or you found it interesting, as I know I do. Even if we ourselves aren’t claircognizant, we might know somebody that is x
Please leave me your comments or views on this topic either on any of my social media channels Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, I look forward to reading them 😍
If you are on my website The Spiritual Cabin www.spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk you can message me on my blue chat bubble or on my contact page/box.

& thanks, until my next podcast episode/blog post

for now Sally ❤️ x
🌞 Before you go....
In my next podcast episode/blog post, I'll be talking about the fourth and final one of this 4-part series 'Clairaudience' or 'Clear Hearing'.
Podcast Link Page: https://www.spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk/mypodcast
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thespiritualcabin
Twitter: www.twitter.com/QuirkySpiritual
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thespiritualcabin
