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Listen Or Read: Episode 12 - ‘The Four Clairs’ - CLAIRVOYANCE

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

Hi there, I thought I’d talk to you about ‘The Four Clairs’ today, as I’m going to do four episodes in a series explaining each one to help you understand which one you may have, to encounter the angels as we all have at least one of these to experience these angelic beings with, or some people may have more and have a bit of all four.

These are Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance or Clairaudience

  • Clairvoyance ‘Clear Seeing’

  • Clairsentience ‘Clear Feeling’

  • Claircognizance ‘Clear Thinking’

  • Clairaudience ‘Clear Hearing’

In this episode, I’m going to talk about Clairvoyance or ‘Clear Seeing’.

Now if you have this Clair, it doesn’t mean you see white-winged beings standing right there in front of you, it means you might see them in your mind’s eye, a bit like when you’re having a daydream and a vision pops into your head.

But saying that, people who have advanced this Clair, might be able to see lights or colours in the early stages of their Clairvoyance. Others might see brief visions of an angel’s head or wings or see angels as translucent and colourless with simmering hues radiating from them (remember me saying about the blurred vision of a flurry feathery wing I saw in a window in my previous episode, well maybe I’m slightly Clairvoyant?)

Others might see angels as orbs of light appearing in a photograph, which can be seen as globes of white light when the picture is developed. Another way is taking a photo of a newborn baby or a person who is spiritually minded. Holding the intention of seeing an angel if you’re open to them while taking a photo may work too, as they are more likely to appear. You could also ask them to appear as you take the photo as well.

This reminds me of being at a very good friend's house and we were looking at a very old photograph of her mum and her brother as children & I asked her if she could see anything in the background of the photo. She could see exactly what I could see without me telling her so she just didn’t agree with me. We could see faces of people, even a cat, it gave us chills but in a good way, very intriguing maybe they were ancestors or dead loved ones in spirit just making an appearance ❤

You can listen from my website from the link at the start of this blog post, or go directly to Spotify, Apple Podcasts/iTunes or Anchor FM (See links below 👇)

Other ways of how we can see ‘angel visions’ are: -

  • Life-like dreams of dead loved ones who visit, the dream seems so real, with intense emotions

  • Angel lights, seeing sparkles or flashes of light indicates that angels are nearby, you could be witnessing the energy sparks as the angels are moving across your field of vision. This effect is similar to seeing sparks from a back of a car, also your spiritual sight could be adjusted to viewing energy waves. Coloured lights are the ascended masters and the Archangels, but white lights are the evidence and presence of angels

  • Coloured mists, seeing a green, purple or other coloured mist is a sign that you are in the presence of the angels and archangels

  • Angel clouds, looking up into the sky and noticing a cloud in the shape of an angel is another way that they can let you know that they’re with you

  • Seeing signs, finding a feather, a coin, a stopped clock or objects in your home being moved, seeing lights flickering or seeing other visual circumstances, lets you know that an angel is near and saying “Hello, I’m here”. Departed loved ones can often make their presence known by sending birds, butterflies, moths or certain flowers to you

  • Having a vision, seeing how it plays out in your head, that provides you with true information about a person or situation, or that gives you guidance about your life purpose or making changes, is a sign of being in the presence of angels.

Well, I hope this has helped you figure out if you have Clairvoyance or not. Or maybe you have one of the other Clairs? You’ll have to wait and see for my next episode when I talk about the next Clair ‘Clairsentience', or clear feeling.

You’re welcome to leave a comment or any views on this topic on any of my social media channels: Instagram @thespiritualcabin or Twitter @QuirkySpiritual, my blue message bubble, or contacts form.

Thanks again for having a listen to this episode, or reading this blog post, as it always means a lot you did x

until next time

for now luv Sally ❤️ x

🧚‍♀️ Before you go.....

In my next podcast episode/blog post, I will talk about the second of the four Clairs, 'Clairsentience' or Clear feeling


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