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Listen Or Read - Episode 11 – How To Know If It’s Truly Your Angels? Part 2

Writer: sallypm1975sallypm1975

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all ok?

Today I’m talking about the second half of how you can tell the difference between your Angel’s presence or is it just your imagination?

With our other two senses Hearing & Seeing.

Episode 11 – How To Know If It’s Truly Your Angels? Part 2 is available to listen to on all my regular platforms 🥳

Now I don’t think I have ever seen an angel. I have only felt a presence x

Well, I might have seen a brief white blur once, whizz past me, or years & years ago when out delivering on my part-time Royal Mail job, I thought I did see a reflection in someone’s glass in their front door, what looked like fluffy white feathery wings behind me, but I was never sure, a part of me thought it was my imagination...or was it? That could have been my guardian angel just checking I was ok x

With hearing, in 2015 one morning I woke up to a man’s voice saying....

"15th October"

This baffled me, and still does now, as there was no year mentioned, so it could be any year to come or has already passed. I’m hoping it’s not the date in years to come I die, so I’m glad there is no year, but 15th October 2015 was when I got my budgies Bubble & Bazie, so I’m sure the angels wouldn't be telling me that. I only have Bubbles now, Bazie is on his fluffy cloud perch in the sky, bless him. Another option could be when I get together with the man of my dreams who knows....

I’ll have to wait & see.

Left: Bubbles & Bazie on top of my lampshade in the living room, 5 yrs ago

Right: Bubbles how she is now

So, let’s talk about the angelic signs involving your hearing: -

  • Sentences usually begin with the words you or we

  • There’s a sense that someone else is talking to you, even if it sounds like your own voice

  • It’s obvious how the message relates to your immediate concerns or questions

  • The voice is to the point and blunt

  • The sound is loving and positive, even if it’s warning you of danger

  • It asks you to take immediate action, including changing your thoughts or attitude to be more loving.

  • You may hear a voice call your name upon awakening.

  • You could be aware of pieces of beautiful, disembodied “celestial” music

  • You might receive a message about self-improvement or helping others

Here are signs guidance is false and is only your imagination: -

  • Sentences usually begin with the word I

  • It feels like you’re talking to yourself

  • The message is confusing, or unclear

  • The voice is wordy and vague

  • It’s taunting, alarming, or cruel

  • There’s gossip and speculation about others

  • You hear abusive words

  • You experience loud, unpleasant noises or music

  • There’s a message to hurt yourself or others

You can listen from my website from the link at the start of this blog post, or go directly to Spotify, Apple Podcasts/ITunes or Anchor FM (see links below 👇)

Next are angelic signs involving seeing: -

  • Dream visitations almost seem surreal, with vivid colours and emotions

  • You see sparkles or flashes of light or coloured mists

  • There's a feeling of spontaneity and naturalness to the vision

  • You experience repetitive instances of seeing a feather, coin, bird, butterfly, rainbow, number sequence, and so on, beyond chance encounters

  • You receive service-orientated visions of yourself helping others

Here are signs guidance is false and is only your imagination: -

  • Dreams seem ordinary and forgettable

  • You see worst-case scenarios without being given instructions on how to avoid them

  • You get the feeling that you’re forcing the vision to happen

  • You look for a sign but find the variety or force the meaning that you want onto what you see

  • You receive an ego-centred vision of self-gaining at the expense of others

Well, I hope you found these signs helpful and they’ve helped you to know the difference between your positive and loving energy from your Angels, with your hearing and vision, and your imagination that might not be so positive, that your mind has made up, (your ego).

If you would like to leave a comment or give your views on this topic, then please do so either by the blue chat message bubble, my contacts form, or any of my social media channels.

until my next episode/blog post

for now luv Sally ❤️ x

🧚‍♀️ Before you go....

In my next podcast episode/blog post, I will be talking about 'The Four Clairs' over four separate episodes/blog posts. The first I will start with will be 'Clairvoyance'.


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