Hi everyone hope you've all had a great weekend, enjoying it in the sun 😎
Today I'm talking about the star sign 'Scorpio'! Most people have some characteristics of their star sign but depending on where your other placements are can affect what your personality or traits are like.
I'm a Scorpio (that's me in the photo above) & I think I am quite like one. We are passionate creatures, & can be magnetic in personality. I think some people can be drawn to me, with my friendly, bubbly character & personality. I did have a work colleague say to me once that I brightened up the room when I enter, or 'lighted spirits' which I was quite honoured to hear & he made my day bless him x
I am defiantly quite passionate about my Spiritual Business, my podcast & my blogging, I love designing & editing my website & drafting up social media posts for Instagram etc, especially on Canva!
I've even been told I'm a passionate kisser & 'Oh you're doing that look again' & kissed me, well it's not my fault, they could control themselves couldn't they! 😉 😂 Apparently our eyes are piercing & mesmerizing, even hypnotic (so that's why he had to kiss me 😘)
Us Scorpios can be analytical, I wish I wasn't as it can be a burden & it makes you go over things deeply, so things can upset you deeply aswell!
We are determined with what we do & don't give up easily. That's me that's for sure as I've needed to be with this 'Spiritual Business' to try & get it off the ground which is in progress. I think if I hadn't of not been a 'Scorpio' I might have given up by now but I won't be!
Scorpio's can be forceful, me, I can be in a tactful way to make a plan work or to be heard etc. Never in a controlling way, some Scorpios maybe but, I think that's wrong to be controlling very bad indeed.
They say us Scorpios have a 'Sting In The Tail', yes, if I'm pushed too far, you would get a mouthful said back to you, fiesty yes, we're no push overs that's for sure. but most people don't see that side of me, only people who have been nasty or sarcastic would see!
We can be competitive, but I am only with myself. We do not thrive when constrained by rules & regulations. I sometimes hate being told what to do especially if I don't agree with that person, that gets my back up!
Now in my title I said 'Some Aren't Completely...' what I meant by that is I used to have a friend who is also a Scorpio, but we are completely different in personalities. At school for example she was a tough, tom boy who used to sort the annoying boys & bullies out & I was quiet & shy (not now) but at school I was! Sometimes two Scorpios don't get on or clash, maybe that's why we're not friends anymore but I also had a fling with a Scorpio man once, but we were very arguementative so I knew it wasn't going to last! It doesn't mean two can't get on as I know other Scorpios & we get on fine x
You if prefer to listen to this blog post, you can listen from my website from the link at the start of this blog post, or go directly to Spotify, Apple Podcast/ITunes, or Anchor FM (See links below) 👇

Do you have any views or comments on this topic? As I'd love to hear about them 😍
Please do so either on any of my social media channels, or you can leave a message in my blue chat bubble, contact form or comments box at the bottom of my 'Podcast Page'.
Thanks for reading this blog post as always, it means a lot you have xx


for now
until my next episode/blog post
Luv Sally ❤️ x
🌞 Before you go....
My next Podcast episode/Blog post will be about 'My Story: The Spiritual Cabin - How Did It All Come About!!'

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