By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

So how do you ask for personal protection every morning?
When do you want protection or protecting?
How do you call on the angels?
How do you call on the archangels?

Hi there, I thought I’d talk about ‘Angel Protection’ in this blog post. We all need to know about it if we want to call on our Angels. It is up to us to ask for protection, and we can also ask for protection for other people.

“I ask the angels to protect me as I start this new day”
Immediately an angel will be there for you.
🧚♀️ If you want to protect your family

“I ask the angels to protect my family and keep them safe from harm and free from danger”
Immediately an angel is there.
🧚♀️ If you want protection for when you are travelling

“I ask the angels to protect me on my journey today, and that my travels will be harmless and that I will reach my destination safe and sound”
Immediately an angel is there.
You can get the idea of how you can get your protection from the angels by changing it to whatever the situation may be.
🧚♀️ Angel Protection will be in place for you until you don’t need it anymore, or you had asked for it over a specific time period.
Eg. The day has come to an end (daily protection) or the journey is made (for journey protection)
As we know there are nine types of angels through their spheres and choir. In the third sphere, eighth and ninth choir, the archangels and legions of regular angels are ready to help you.
As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog post ‘THE ANGELS: How Many Different Types Are There?’
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We as humans can call upon the two types of angels:
💚 The archangels by name
💛 The regular angels
🧚♀️ You would not typically call upon the other choirs of angels.
🧚♀️ Calling on Archangels
Archangels see the bigger picture and they are always around. They may direct the lower angels to attend to your needs when you ask.
Archangels are of a higher ranking than regular angels. For instant results, you can call on an archangel by name for help.
🧚♀️ Calling on Angels
Regular angels are able, ready and waiting for you. They will help you as best as they can. You can have many angels helping you at any one time.
They are no limit to the number of angels you can call upon. When the task is completed and you have found love, a lost watch or a new job, then the angel will go away.

If you need another angel, you only have to ask.

You can ask for many angels to be near you at all times, and it will be done for you.
🧚♀️ As always, thank you for reading this blog post, I hope it has helped you on understanding how to get your angel protection, and the angels and archangels are always there for you, so never think you are alone x
I’d love to hear your views on this subject....

💛 How have angels/archangels helped you?
💚Do you have your own routines to call on the angels to protect yourself?
You’re welcome to leave me your comments or views on this topic, either by any of my social media channels Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, I look forward to reading them x
If you are on my website you can message me on my green chat message bubble or my contacts page/box.

and thanks for reading this blog post as always it means a lot that you do ❤️

for now Sally ❤️
🧚♀️ Before you go....
Don't forget you can still listen to a Podcast episode once or twice a month, so stay tuned for that on Spotify, Apple Podcasts (Also ITunes) and Anchor plus check out my social media too for the latest x
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