By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

today I’m going to chat about ‘Connecting With Your Angels’ which is very easy to do when you know how. In fact, the angels love it when you do, but only when you’re ready, the more you get used to talking to them about whatever you like, just chatting out loud like chatting to your best mate, it becomes more natural and easier to do.

I used to be told by my Mum when I was a little girl or a young teenager that she could hear me talking to myself, upstairs in my bedroom.
“It was like you had someone up there with you, you were talking to”
Mum had often told me.
She put it down to my ‘imaginary friend’ I felt embarrassed at the time, and thought I had just been talking to myself, I felt like a nutter for doing so, I think Mum had thought it wasn’t healthy to be chatting like that to ‘yourself’ but thinking back maybe intuitively I had been talking to my angel, my guardian angel maybe, but I do remember feeling so much better when I had though. Maybe Mum should have tried it, as she worries too much about things like I used to until I become ‘Spiritual’ and started believing in ‘Angels’, and now I am so much calmer and take things as they come. I still worry about things, but now I can sort it out more in my head and stay in the moment a bit more. Is that a form of grounding??
It does make you wonder though, ‘Imaginary friends’ are probably ‘angels’ anyway, it was probably ‘my guardian angel’ trying to check in with me to make sure I was ok, especially back at that young age when you’re trying to find yourself and coping with growing pains x

So how do we start connecting to our angels?
I hear you say....
Well, all you have to do is sit quietly either talk out loud what you want to say, maybe something like

“I ask that the angels connect to me, I ask that the angels are near me, I ask that the angels stay with me”
And it is done. The angels have made it happen.
This is one way to do it if it’s for the first time ever speaking to them.
But once you have got used to, or even comfortable chatting away to them, you can ask how you wish in your own words, something like I do....

“Angels and Universe can you help me with...”
“Angels, I’m not sure what to do, (your problem here)”
I always thank them afterwards when I’ve voiced my woes or problems, just to show them I’m very grateful for their help and them being there with me always, and as often as I need them x
The top two ways are like chatting with a mate but...
Another way you can talk to the angels is to ask if you already have what you want, so it’s like thanking them for what you already have.
Never think you are bothering them as the angels are limitless and can always be there and available to you x
Only talk to your angels when you are ready, and at your own pace, it will come quite naturally when you have gotten used to chatting with them. You can also talk to them silently in your head if you prefer, as a prayer if you wish, but sometimes chatting out loud can help you with your concentration and the meaning of what you have to say.

"I know I prefer to talk out loud to them often in my cosy living room armchair staring out into my back garden and up into the sky and the trees x"

“I also wanted to mention as I was typing this blog post just now, I saw a small bright white/golden light glide past me out of the corner of my right eye, that is my angel telling me that they are happy I am telling you about them and it always makes me very happy when they do this, thank you angels I said when I saw the light float past”
This will be another blog post to tell you about, how the ‘Angels’ can just let you know that they are near and are with you, checking that you are ok by showing a certain coloured light. There are different coloured lights for different angels, so more to tell you another time xx
🧚♀️ There's a Free PDF for you to download 'The Nine Choir Of Angels & Other Celestial Helpers' 💛 detailing what each Angel's role is and how they can help you 💚 (from a previous blog post incase you missed it)
I would love to know how you connect to your angels and your experiences on this topic x
You’re welcome to leave me your comments or views either by any of my social media channels Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, I look forward to reading them x
If you are on my website you can message me on my blue chat message bubble or my contacts page/box.
Until next time....

& thanks for having read this blog post 😉

for now Sally ❤️
🧚♀️ Before you go....
Don't forget you can still listen to a Podcast episode once or twice a month, so stay tuned for that on Spotify, Apple Podcasts (Also ITunes) and Anchor plus check out my social media too for the latest x
My next blog post will be about 'Angel Protection' 😍
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