By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

What are you Passionate about?
What do you enjoy in life but keep putting it off as you think you’re not good enough or too old or think you don’t have time or money to do it?
What do you really want? Some people don’t even know or don’t know how to make it happen? Which one are you?
My story…. I know what I want I’ve known for years but making it happen is the tricky part, I’m slowly learning how to make it happen, instead of being stuck in a job because it pays well !!

“Do you need money to create something amazing that you really want to do? Or do you want to do something in order to make money?”
Dannie -Lu Carr , creativity specialist, communications consultant & creative practitioner
“We have these phrases like ‘gut feeling’ and ‘in my heart’ which tell us what we really want; we need to quieten the noise in our head and listen downwards.”
Kele Baker, mind-body-movement coach
⭐ What are you Passionate about?
We all have something we love doing and get excited about. Some hobby you love to do in your spare time, maybe you would love to do it full-time or part-time as a job, especially if you hate your current job or wish you could leave it to pursue this hobby of yours and become an Entrepreneur. Even as a side hustle to make extra money. Lots of people chose to do this through Covid to make money to live on due to being made redundant.
Some people don’t realise that it is possible to make a living or career from your passions. Etsy is a fine example of this, how lots of crafters/entrepreneurs sell their homemade and handcrafted items. Making a living doing what they love. This is what everybody should be doing. But we are brought up to either follow in our parents footsteps in a ’Proper job’, making money to pay your bills, and work hard. A lot of talented people go to waste as they start a family and think they have to do dead-end jobs to pay the bills etc. or a high pressured job to bring in lots of money to survive to keep their family. But then years down the line the children grow up and that talented person could become resentful due to not following their dreams. Hopefully some people then realise that they can make it their time and pursue what they’ve always wanted to do. I am one of these people that will pursue what they want to do, I’m figuring out slowly.

“What are you passionate about? Are you one of those ‘lucky ones’ who have had the guts and determination to make it happen? Either as a side-hustle or full or part-time career or business? I’d love to know your views on this topic. Either in the comments below or any of my social media channels”
⭐ What do you enjoy in life but keep putting it off as you think you’re not good enough or too old or think you don’t have time or money to do it?
I used to work with a man who thought like this, but I’m pleased to say after 20 years of being a Postman he took the leap, left his job and even moved to another part of England to start a new life and become a ‘Woodcarver’. He started a website selling his carvings (masterpieces). I remember him telling me all about what he made, how he loved to carve things out of tree trunks and how it wanted to sell them. I could see how excited and passionate he was as he went into detail. I encouraged him to go for it, but at the time he was thinking about his daughters, how they needed him etc. But circumstances finally pushed him to go for it and pursue his dreams.
I bet if you get talking to people, there are a lot who wish they had pursued another career, moved to another area, even abroad to live their dream life. Some do with a little nudge from life, realizing life is too short, and when they finally take that leap, they look back on their old life and wished they had done it years ago.

“Which one are you? Have you got a story to tell? Did you make your dreams come true? Or are you still trying to figure it all out? I’d love to know in the comments below or on any of my social media channels”
⭐ What do you really want? Some people don’t even know or don’t know how to make it happen? Which one are you?
It’s funny how some people just push it to the back of their mind, I can’t do that, and stay in that job they hate as it’s easier, they stay in that comfort-zone as it’s less risky on the bank balance or just scared to make a wrong choice or take that risk on the life they dream of.

The question is ‘What Do You Really Want?’
I personally think not pursuing the life you really want is a waste, and not fair on you, after all we all have the right to make our own choices, but when we are young, we let our parents, teachers etc. dictate too much what we should do career wise, thinking that’s what we should do, when really sometimes it isn’t, it might be best for them but it’s not best for you. It doesn't help when you are young, you sometimes don’t know what you want in life so it's just easier to go along with your parent’s wishes.

Did this happen to you? Your parents told you what you were doing, or you just didn’t have a clue so you went along with your planned out future?
I know a best friend of mine left school after staying on in Sixth Form to doing her Dad’s accounts for his hardware shop, as she didn’t know what direction career wise to take. She later went on to University to get a degree in Accounts having letters after her name, doing various jobs in accounts to realizing several years later not wanting a job in Accounts anymore.
That’s the trouble when you don’t know what direction to go in. In the end you realise you’re going on the wrong path as it wasn’t really your path to take in the first place, you were just guided to take it.
⭐ My story…. I know what I want, I’ve known for years but making it happen is the tricky part, I’m slowly learning how to make it happen, instead of being stuck in a job because it pays well!!
I think I’ve known since I was 40, I am now 48. The older you get the more ties and things to pay for you have, and slowly if you’re not careful you get stuck and tied to paying bills etc. that stop you from pursuing your dreams. Don’t let age stop you, just don’t give up on your hopes and dreams xx
Every job I have had after a while I start to realise “there’s got to be more to life than this?” My Royal Mail job has been the longest job I’ve ever had of 19 years I think due to having a mortgage and bills to pay. Plus I met my fella there and some great people so all is not lost.
But for a very long time now I know I’m not meant to stay with Royal Mail until I retire.
I’ve always been creative. I was always making something as a child and as a young teenager at school I loved to do weaving. I did do embroidery for a while being given kits for Birthdays or Christmas. But now I’m more into writing, blogging and designing printables, especially on Canva.
‘The Spiritual Cabin’ was about blogging, podcasting with a hint of crafting. But designing and selling printables on Etsy have been added to the mix. My plan is to work two days a week in a part-time job for a safety net income (something I will enjoy enough for 2 days) while the rest of the week I concentrate on my business ‘The Spiritual Cabin’.
I’ve always loved my own company and being my own boss, I would love that, and it excites me for the challenge and independence. Plus having your own business, working from home you can work at your own pace, that’s heaven to me xx
Not noisy, fast pace working environment like Royal Mail, being told what to do by Managers or people who think they know best.
My time to do what I want Career wise will happen, as I’m determined to make it happen. I hope you pursue your hopes and dreams too and not regret it laying on your death bed with your ‘What If’s’.

"You know you can do it, and I’d love to hear your story all about it" xx
Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do.
I'd love to hear your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. x
On my website, you can message me on my green chat message bubble, Facebook messenger on (The Spiritual Cabin FB page) or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.
Until next time....

Look after yourself

for now Sally 💖
🧚♀️ Before you go....
My next blog post "Guardian Angels: We All Have One Or Two xx" talks about how we all have at least one Guardian Angel by our side, from the day we are born and until we die, they are there to help guide us through our life. We just have to learn that we only have to ask for their help and they will guide us to the happy and fulfilling life that we dream of.
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