By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

Do you ever see number sequences or patterns?
Where do you see them?
What do these numbers all mean?
So the question is, do you ever see numbers continuously? Either in number sequences or they start showing themselves to you in patterns.....
There can be lots of number sequences like:-

22:22, 23:23, 11:11, 5:55, 17:17, 19:19, 20:20, 777, 111
& the numbers go on!!

Do you see number sequences like these? Or do you see others?.... as the possilibilities are endless x
Let me know in the comments or on any of my social media channels x

Where do you see them?
I often see number sequences on....

a digital clock on my oven, mobile, alarm clock, energy smart meter or in my car either on the clock itself or the mileage counter

on registration plates, generally on the back of a vehicle, I'm following in a queue or passing one parked

The possibilities are endless, wherever you see numbers, you can see number sequences appear to you.... Where do you see yours? I'd love to know x

What do these numbers all mean?
I find them very interesting, you can look the meanings up either on Google or another popular search engine, or as I like to do on an app on my mobile, which I also have as a small reference book called 'Angel Numbers 101' by Doreen Virtue.
I love how when I see these number patterns and look them up, the meaning is always spot on to that moment in time or what I'm thinking about, and it can give me some reassurance or answer my questions.
This is often thought of as the Angels or the Universe talking to you or giving you some much-needed guidance.
I often see 5:55 on my oven clock when I'm getting ready for work, another great meaning, which I have seen quite frequently recently:-

"Huge changes are rumbling throughout your entire life! To keep these changes on the highest possible course, be sure to keep your thoughts positive, & stay centred in prayer & affirmations"

I often write down what number sequences I see as I often see them in continuous patterns over so many nights

As you can see there were definitely number patterns that kept emerging through July and August. 22:22 especially, those angels were definitely trying to tell me something. I took it as this message from my book as I could resonate with what it was about.

"The angels can see the positive results of your prayers, and they want you to have patience and stay optimistic while the final details are being worked out in heaven. This is an urgent call from the angels to 'keep the faith'!"

When you see number sequences or patterns, do you write yours down and keep a record of them like I do? I may design a printable Number sequence/patterns record sheet incase anyone does soon x
Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do.
I'd love to hear your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. x
On my website, you can message me on my green chat message bubble, Facebook messenger on (The Spiritual Cabin FB page) or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.
Until next time....

Look after yourself 😃

for now Sally ❤️
🧚♀️ Before you go....
My next blog post 'Do You Believe In Angels? What Do Angels Mean To You?' discusses 'The Angels', how they work with your intuition and help you in life and what is your interpretation of them? So more on that next time x
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