By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

Growing up as a teenager, did you know what you wanted to do when you left school?
Some teenagers know, others haven’t a clue, which one were you?
Did you make the right choice and stick with it, or did you change your mind later after all the qualifying (eg. College or University)
What are your dreams in life?
Do you know how to achieve them?

⭐ Growing up as a teenager, did you know what you wanted to do when you left school?
Me personally I knew what I loved doing, what I enjoyed in my spare time, but I couldn’t decide what to do as a job or a career. I loved Art and Design at school but as my maths wasn’t very good, I didn’t think I was good enough to do Art (drawing) or any job involving designing in any way (eg. Graphics designer or Textiles designer) it didn’t help that my Mum said to me “if you’re not brilliant at something in that trade, then you won’t get on in life in that job”. “Thanks Mum, that put me off straight away!!”
So, I went through life, job to job trying out different ones, trying to find something I thought I’d liked doing, plus looking at jobs that didn’t include maths in any way instead of getting help with it and improving. Nowadays you would have probably been given a Maths Tutor to help you at school, but in my day, they tried to help me, “no.... don’t get it.... never mind”, and that was that, bad really, maybe there’s a lot of adults out there who went to school between 1981 – 1992 who were in the same boat as me?
I’d love to know your views on this! Plus going to school before these years, kid’s education was probably being neglected as well!!

I’d love to know if you went through the same as me? You can comment either below or on any of my social media channels x
Looking back now, I reckon I have a mild form of ADHD with my focus and concentration, and slightly Dyslexic with my maths. Apparently as a boy gets older his ADHD gets slowly better, but with girls their ADHD can get worse!
⭐ Some teenagers know, others haven’t a clue, which one were you?
Like I said briefly, I didn’t have a clue what to do when I left school plus, I hated school so I couldn’t wait to leave, anyway what was the point in staying on when you didn’t know what to study for? If I’d had more confidence as a teenager, I probably wouldn't have been bullied most of my school life plus I could have carried on Art and Design and qualified more in that. But obviously it wasn’t meant to be, plus I wouldn’t have met my friends I have now or met my fella, so things do happen for a reason if not what you wanted at the time.

Did you know what to do for your future career? Or were you the same as me just trying different jobs hoping to find it one day? I’d love to know your views x
⭐ Did you make the right choice and stick with it, or did you change your mind later after all the qualifying (eg. College or University)
Hopefully there are a few teenagers grown up out there who did know early on what they wanted to do and stick with it, but sometimes I think it’s a lot for a teenager to know, how are they supposed to know so young what they want to do for the rest of their working life?
Like I say I didn’t, I did qualify in a Retail qualification working in Texas Homecare, I did a two year YTS Scheme there. I worked at Safeways and briefly Gateways and briefly worked in a secretarial job, plus I went to college and studied computer skill qualifications, but after a couple of jobs in factory work, nineteen years ago, I became a post lady for Royal Mail.
After three or maybe four years later I knew I wanted to do something more with my life, what I felt passionate about. I always loved being creative as a child making things, models, drawing and painting. So maybe that’s where my early ideas for ‘The Spiritual Cabin’ came from when I approached my forties.

Did you make the right choice? Or did you find out years later what you really wanted to do? Was it your choice? Or did your parents or teachers push you or gently nudge you into a direction they thought was best for you, only to find out when you were older you were completely going in the wrong direction and now find you want to change it into something your passionate about or help yourself find out what that could be?
Please leave your comments below or on any of my social media channels, I’d love to know if any of this resonates with you in your life? X
⭐What are your dreams in life?
Well, when I got to my forties (I’m now 47, soon to be 48) I knew there was more to being a Postlady for Royal Mail. I’ve always loved making things so that’s why I started weaving pictures or mats as I loved weaving at school when I was 12 or 13 years old. Realising to do weaving as a business and make money on it, I wasn’t good enough or quick enough to produce my weaves. So, after years of thinking about it I came up with blogging, podcasting and making or upcycling items on the side. It’s all still a work in progress, I’m always thinking and trying to improve what I want to do. Getting expert help online, looking at Facebook groups to improve my knowledge on blogging etc. I did a blog post a few weeks ago about my plans for ‘The Spiritual Cabin’.
But one of my dreams in life is to be able to make money working from home, blogging, podcasting, making/upcycling items and designing my printables to sell on Etsy and leave Royal Mail for good. This is what I want ‘The Spiritual Cabin’ to be my business that I’m passionate about and enjoy. Instead of getting up at 5am to work for Royal Mail. Since August 2018 I went from full-time to part-time hours 4 days a week instead of 6 days a week. It did help for a while and still does compared to what it used to be, but I have realised even working part-time, it may help but I still want to leave completely. I am determined to make that happen and hopefully my fella can carry on supporting me where he can, plus getting the expert help and support online in the various groups I’m in. I will keep you updated on my progress as it happens. I’m hoping by you, the reader, reading this, it helps you to leave a job you’re not happy in too.

"This is what I want ‘The Spiritual Cabin’ to be my business that I’m passionate about and enjoy. Instead of getting up at 5am to work for Royal Mail. Since August 2018 I went from full-time to part-time hours 4 days a week instead of 6 days a week. It did help for a while and still does compared to what it used to be, but I have realised even working part-time, it may help but I still want to leave completely"
Plus gradually I’m hoping to manifest another car and a two-bed park home locally to where I live now so I can be mortgage-free. Maybe I need to do a 'Vision Board'!

"What is your dream life? Are you already living it? I’d love to know the details if you’d like to share x Either below in the comments or on any of my social media channels" x
⭐ Do you know how to achieve them?
Depending on what your dreams are there are ways of making them happen for you. Manifesting a car either a good old-fashioned loan if you have the money, but like me I don’t, so I’m turning to manifesting my ideal car (I have a list of 3 to choose from!) I’ll talk more about manifesting in another blog post.
The park home is for now put on the back burner for the near future as I’m not ready to leave my Log cabin behind just yet (wooden sheds or cabins aren’t allowed on Park Home Estates due to being a fire hazard, if it caught fire, it could wipe out a whole park home estate!!) having a two bed park home gives me the option of having a second bedroom as an office or if I still wanted an outer building, I could have Composite paneling (plastic wood effect) that fit together like tongue and groove wood.
My main dream though is becoming a Blogger/Podcaster and Upcycler of small furniture plus selling printables in my Etsy shop. My business ‘The Spiritual Cabin’, having the freedom to work from home, working my own hours, being my own boss and making a living doing something I’m passionate about.
Not slaving away working for someone else, a company who doesn’t care about their staff, getting up early, which I hate, out in all weathers, slowly injuring myself with all the walking, carrying etc. Always feeling tired.
I’m slowly achieving my dream myself, but with some help from some online experts as well.

"Do you know how to achieve your goals and dreams? I’d love to hear everything about them. If not, maybe I can point you in the right direction, you never know?" 💚
Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do.
I'd love to hear your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. x
On my website, you can message me on my green chat message bubble, Facebook messenger on (The Spiritual Cabin FB page) or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.
Until next time....

Look after yourself 😀

for now Sally 💖
🧚♀️ Before you go....
My next blog post 'The Tarot - My Interpretations Of The Cards" talks about Tarot Cards, what the cards mean. Me, myself gradually learning at doing readings. One Tarot/Astrologer expert I love to follow is 'Teressa Reed', I'm hoping to learn from one of her books I have as she shows you how to intuitively read the cards and keep a journal of your progress. More on her guidance and my views on Tarot soon....
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