By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

Do you believe in Angels?
How did you find out about Angels?
What do Angels mean to you?

I think back to when I started to believe in angels and it seems like I've believed in them forever, but it wasn't until about 2012/13 that I slowly started to turn to them for help and guidance, as I was going through a very stressful time in my Royal Mail job, so much so I was off work for 5 weeks with stress and on anti-depressants from 2013 to at least 2015 😟. I feel since having the angels by my side I realised I didn't need the anti-depressants anymore and never used them since. 😃❤️

I can't remember how I knew what to do and what to read about but in those 5 weeks of recovery, the time opened me up to hearing and sensing my angels (Guardian Angels) who intuitively steered me in the right direction out of my problem and worries and gradually in the right direction of positivity and a better more happier life ❤️

"I remember laying in bed one night at the end of my tether asking god for help with my stressful job and 'the Angels' came to my rescue and have guided me ever since" 🧚♀️
When I became more interested and intrigued with 'Angels' I wanted to know more about them, of course, Amazon is the online shop most of us buy our stuff from (I should be getting paid for saying that 😂) and this is where I found my first book 'Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians - Contact Your Invisible Helpers' by Richard Webster'

I love this book, especially when I was reading it at the time 11 years ago! (I think the cover is different now).
When I looked at it today to write this blog post, I remember how enjoying and interesting I found it and how it helped me further my interest and knowledge in the Angels and how they can help you believe, not just in them but in yourself and give you the confidence to achieve what you want in your life x

"I defiantly recommend this book. If anyone was thinking of buying it - see the link to Amazon above to have a peek x"
(adjust Amazon to your countries if you're not in the UK) x

Do you believe in Angels?
and what made you believe?
I'd love to know, either by sharing in the comments below, or on either of my Instagram or Facebook channels 😃 🧚♀️ 💖

So what do 'Angels' mean to you?
To me, I don't know what I'd do without them, I look back to my old life, 'Pre-Angels' I call it, and I used to worry about everything, I think I might have done something stupid like suicide by now, as I felt nobody understood me properly. I didn't have the right friends then, nobody to turn to. It was like I had to go through what I did with my Royal Mail job to be signed off with stress, to discover 'The Angels' to help me through my problems and to prepare me to be a happier, more confident and stronger person. I did that with my belief in the angels, either by talking out loud (when on my own of course) waiting a moment to intuitively get the answer/message in my mind (sometimes it doesn't come to you straight away just be patient as it will x) or asking a question with my angel oracle cards I have, I love them as they have yes and no cards, as sometimes that is the only answer you want to a question x

"If you're interested in knowing what those 'Angel Oracle Cards' are then click this link

"What do 'The Angels' mean to you?
I'd love to know your views and comments on this x
I look forward to reading them, as everybody's views on this can be so much different 😃 🧚♀️ 💖
Thanks for reading this blog post, as always it means a lot that you do.
I'd love to hear your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. x
On my website, you can message me on my green chat message bubble, Facebook messenger on (The Spiritual Cabin FB page) or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.
Until next time....

Look after yourself 😃

for now Sally ❤️
🧚♀️ Before you go....
My next blog post 'Do You Know What You Want To Do With Your Life? What Are Your Dreams?' Looks at how most of us leave school not knowing what we want to do career-wise, some teenagers know from an early age but later down the line change their minds much to the disgust of their parents or just after studying for years realising they're on the wrong path. Me, I didn't have a clue. Love to know if you've been through any of these situations yourself?
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