Hi there, I’m Sally & one of my favourite topics is Spirituality.

Today’s blog post is about Astrology. Even if you think it’s a load of rubbish, we all have a star sign or zodiac sign we are born into.

I personally find this topic interesting as when you look more into your own star sign, it’s amazing how spot on the description of your character or personality is.
Looking more into your own sign, you can also find out your other signs, Sun, Moon, Rising, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn & Venus (there are many more you can look up & find out about, but these stated here, are the main ones I talk about.
I have found with experience, that when you know a person’s sun sign, for example, things start to make sense, in such a way that it makes you realise why a person acts or behaves in a certain way because of their star signs. Even though a person has control over their actions, they can’t help the way they are, it’s not their fault, it’s due to the signs they were born into.
For example, a good mate of mine is very independent & loves his freedom a great deal. When I found out he was a Sagittarius, it all started to make sense, when I started to read about the Sagittarian more, it helped me to understand why he is the way he is, & behaves the way he does, he’s so much like his star sign it’s amazing, I even told him some of the traits of the Sagittarius, & he said: “Wow, that’s been written about me “. So that just proves my point.
I will say though, don’t let the star signs stop you from making friends or picking someone for a romantic relationship. According to the signs, I would clash with two of my best mates or we wouldn’t get on, but we do get on. I’m a Scorpio & the two mates I’m talking about are a Libra & a Sagittarius, but knowing their sun signs helps me to better understand them sometimes, as we expect people to think like us but how can they, we are all different & we have our own different views & opinions sometimes, isn’t that what makes friendships/relationships interesting, it would be boring if we agreed all the time, & it helps to see something from a different perspective sometimes.
Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post? Just a little taster of what other astrology posts could be to come?
Please leave a comment, now, or in the future, please do so, as I’m trying to find out what my readers/followers are interested in, like, or dislike on my topics. You can do so either by email on my contacts form, the blue chat bubble (at the bottom of the screen), or one of my social media icons (also at the bottom of this page).
Thanks for reading this it means a lot to me x
Take care Sally x

Website: spiritualquirkycreativecabin.co.uk
