Hi there, I’m Sally & this is my first blog post on 'The Angels', I have had an interest in ‘The Angels’ & ‘The Law of Attraction' for quite a few years now. Where that’s concerning Guardian Angels or Archangels, I find it all so fascinating as when you start to understand them more you can start to learn how these angelic beings can really help you have the best & happiest life possible for you.
Now I know some of you may have started rolling your eyes & be thinking “What a nutter” or something to those words. But you don’t have to sit on the floor, on your prayer mat, crossed legged with your arms in the air, index fingers to thumbs & humming until you’re in a trance to believe in Angels or be Spiritual.
But I’m hoping if you don’t believe which is your own choice of course, that you wouldn’t be reading this blog post anyway. For one, I don’t think I can sit comfortably for long cross-legged on the floor anyway, I’m 46 don’t you know & being a part-time post lady for Royal Mail, our bones start seizing up with our continuous walking & carrying heavy bags so there you go. It would take us a while to get up again, we certainly wouldn’t be relaxed after all that!
What a lot of people don’t realize is that when you believe in Angels, you’re not away with the fairies hoping & skipping into the forest or off your trolley. But angels are your intuition, your ‘Light Bulb’ thoughts. When people go into a daydream or deep in thought, that is your intuition kicking in, which is a form of meditating really.
So, when you’re next outside smoking your cigarette or just having a deep think with a glass of wine, that is what meditating is, being able to think like this when you’re stressed or just needing time out or space on your own, does you a world of good. So have a quiet moment in your thoughts, it can make you feel so much better & can help you solve problems when something is bugging or worrying you. I have even spoken out loud, on my own of course, the problem I’m having at the time, “…. what do I do?” & sometimes but not always straight away I get my answer in my thoughts, my intuition, that’s your angel talking to us, maybe your guardian angel or even an archangel if the problem was a difficult or tricky one to solve, an archangel may step in as each one of those angels has a topic role, they can help you with, but that might be another blog post to tell you about that?
Now for a lot of people it can take something stressful or even traumatic in their life to turn to the angels, like a flick of a switch, can start finding ways of helping themselves through these situations. Their intuition is gradually helping & showing them through it all to better times.
Mine wasn’t as traumatic as some people’s might have been, but mine was my job being a post lady would you believe! That drove me to think in this more positive way, or I might have had a nervous breakdown!
I had a stressful job on a van 9 years ago, work colleagues putting more & more work & pressure on me, day in day out until I just couldn’t take it anymore. Two flat tyres on this hire van I was driving happened on the same day & I had so much mail & parcels to get done in a time limit I knew I wasn’t going to get it all done. I phoned my manager at the time to discuss the problem, but he didn’t care about me, he just wanted the mail delivered, so it didn’t fall back on his shoulders. Well, give me a van that’s road-worthy then!!
This was back in 2012, I ended up being off work beginning of 2013 for 5 weeks with stress & I was on anti-depressants for 2 years until I finally came off them.
The point to telling you this is that when I was going through this, I used to talk to God for help, then slowly I started to find out about the angels & slowly I started to use my intuition, which helped me to find & work the answers out to my problems.
I like to say, “I have the Angels now, I don’t need anti-depressants anymore”.
I am glad to say where I am working now, isn’t the same place or with the same people. The job is still stressful, but not to the limit it was back in 2012-2013 in a different office & area with nicer workmates.
(This way of thinking has also helped me overcome a past relationship breakup as well).
So, here’s to using our intuition for happier & better times.
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Thanks for reading this it means a lot to me x
Take care Sally x
