By Sally Manning @thespiritualcabin

Hi there, I thought I’d talk about Astrology today: -
Are you more like your Sun or Rising sign?
How can people with the same Sun sign be so different to each other?
Knowing yours, friends or family members signs can help you understand why we are the way we are

This is my thoughts on Astrology, my interpretation, so please leave your views and comments on the topic too, I'd love to know what you think ❤️

I’m a Scorpio myself, and I have many traits of one, I like to think I can be courageous sometimes when needed to be, I’m very loyal to the people that matter to me, I am very honest and can be direct sometimes but I do believe in using tact unless someone has crossed me, treated me badly in some way then tact will go out the window and I then have to be careful my mouth doesn’t get me in trouble especially with a manager at work if I don’t agree with them (that’s why I want to be my own boss) I have a very strong determination which I have needed with trying to make ‘The Spiritual Cabin’ happen and different situations in my life e.g. relationships, I don’t give up on things that easily that matter to me, that means a lot to me. A lot of people may have given up on some things that I haven’t but not me I’ll try my hardest first!!

Can any of you other Scorpios out there relate to any of those traits or any of your own? Please share if you do x
My rising sign is Gemini, which I find quite interesting as Air signs aren’t supposed to get on with Water signs. I have two best mates and a boyfriend who are air signs, two Gemini and one Libra and we all get on really well so there you go! Maybe it’s to do with my rising sign being in Gemini that we all do get on and their other signs maybe?
🌛 If you want to find out what your Rising sign is or any of your others (see another blog post about them very soon in more detail) you can check out this free website Cafe Astrology and all you have to do is type in:-
Your Birth date
The time you were born
The place you were born
(If you don't know the time you were born, they will still be able to work some info out for you so check it out, or google another free one of your choice)

I love to watch YouTube card readings on both Scorpio and Gemini, especially the Gemini ones I often relate to the most which is very interesting but I have heard that other people relate to their rising sign readings more too.
Geminis also seek open and loyal communication, trust and eagerness to have fun, they are especially loyal when they find a proper mate and are highly sociable people. Geminis like telling intriguing stories, which does make me laugh as my boyfriend I said about earlier who is a Gemini loves to tell jokes, sometimes at first you think he’s being serious but then you get that sideways grin of his and you realise you’ve fallen for yet another of his crazy jokes, he definitely has the two sides like Geminis have I call them his Jekyll and Hyde, but I’m beginning to understand his ‘Jekyll’ now as he has a lot of personal issues he is working through and trying to cope with bless him.

👈 Cartoon version of my Gemini fella when we were recently in Bruges, Belgium ❤️
A lot of people like him, he is popular, but don’t get him sometimes, as he is such an outspoken rebel, but I get him that’s why we are close 😘
🌛 So how can people with the same Sun sign be so different to each other in traits and personality?
I think it might have something to do with their other signs if you ask me...

Of the two Geminis in my life, one is male and the other female, now I’m not sure if the sex has any difference as to why they are different apart from their other sign placements (when they were born, time etc.) but my female friend all the time I have known her doesn’t have the two sides (Jekyll & Hyde) she just has the ‘Hyde’, well I’ve never seen them anyway so maybe ‘the two sides’ show more in a male Gemini?

A good question to ask you readers out there, what do you think on this?
And do you have any Gemini’s in your life?
Do you find a female Gemini not showing her two sides like a male might? Or for you maybe it’s vice-versa?

I’d love to know your views on these 😍
I must say though both the Gemini's in my life are both highly likeable, loyal, fun-loving and trustworthy and I can chat with both of them for hours so it’s not just us ladies that like to have a natter, it’s those men as well 😉😆
🌛 Knowing your friends or family member’s signs can help you understand why we are the way we are 😃
I’m glad I know my boyfriend’s sign I spoke about earlier is Gemini, as it helps me to understand him, as he is such a complex character. But knowing the traits and personality of a Gemini I know why he is the way he is and it helps me to understand him better and cope with his issues. Instead of getting in an argument with him, I’m learning to keep calm and let it go over my head (the arguing trait might be my Scorpio coming out 😂) even though he has told me he likes me to put him in his place sometimes as he needs it, bless him, maybe that’s why he says he respects me, as I stand up to him? 🤔
(again, is that my Scorpio side? It’s all fascinating how we are isn’t it!)
My Mum likes to be very organised and is a bit of a perfectionist, likes things done just right, and can be strict sometimes, I call it her being in ‘scary mode’ as she does this like an evil glare when I’ve done something wrong, or doesn't agree with, she is a Capricorn.

I can see why in the Tarot Capricorn, is the devil card 👹 😆 a bit of a joke I have with my mum, she’s a kind-hearted, caring, lovely lady really and has been the best Mum to me ❤️
My Dad is a bit of a rebel, a wind-up merchant, and a bit of a joker, he is very practical and good at D.I.Y, but when it comes to flat pack furniture, he would rather put it together without looking at the instructions that come with it bless him then regrets it as he’s not quite sure where that last piece fits? Very stubborn, a bull in a China shop...
You’ve guessed it he’s a Taurus.
🌛 Makes me wonder if my Dad has Gemini in his chart and my fella has Taurus?
So, you can start to see the picture, by knowing people’s sun or other signs it starts to make sense. You might even be able to guess some people’s signs by their characteristics yourself.
So I hope you can relate to this blog post and find it all so interesting like me, as we are all different in our own unique and fabulous ways 😍
Thanks for reading this, as always it means a lot that you do.
You're welcome to leave me your views and comments on this topic, either on any of my social media channels Instagram or Facebook. I look forward to reading them x
On my website (The Spiritual Cabin), you can message me on my green chat message bubble, my contacts page or leave your comments at the bottom of this page.
Until next time...

Look after yourself 😃

for now Sally ❤️
🧚♀️ Before you go....
My next blog post 'What's Been Happening In My Life' covers a few things about what's been going on and getting in the way of 'The Spiritual Cabin' but that won't be happening for much longer, you find a way to do what you want to do in life, otherwise you regret it x
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